Hi @bst7
Thanks for using our plugin.
Please check bt_customize_2017.php plugin file and 272-289 lines, and change them according to your needs.
echo ‘<style>’;
if ( isset( $theme_options[ ‘body_font’ ] ) && $theme_options[ ‘body_font’ ] != ” ) {
echo ‘body, button, input, select, textarea { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘body_font’ ] ) . ‘” } ‘;
echo ‘input::-webkit-input-placeholder { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘body_font’ ] ) . ‘”; } ‘;
echo ‘input::-moz-placeholder { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘body_font’ ] ) . ‘”; }’;
echo ‘input:-ms-input-placeholder { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘body_font’ ] ) . ‘”; } ‘;
echo ‘input::placeholder { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘body_font’ ] ) . ‘”; } ‘;
if ( isset( $theme_options[ ‘title_font’ ] ) && $theme_options[ ‘title_font’ ] != ” ) {
echo ‘.site-description, .entry-header h2.entry-title { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘title_font’ ] ) . ‘”; } ‘;
if ( isset( $theme_options[ ‘heading_font’ ] ) && $theme_options[ ‘heading_font’ ] != ” ) {
echo ‘h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p.site-title { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘heading_font’ ] ) . ‘” } ‘;
if ( isset( $theme_options[ ‘menu_font’ ] ) && $theme_options[ ‘menu_font’ ] != ” ) {
echo ‘.main-navigation .menu { font-family: “‘ . urldecode( $theme_options[ ‘menu_font’ ] ) . ‘”; } ‘;
echo ‘</style>’;