this plugin allows us to use a custom template instead of its own,
lets create a new pdf_lv_template.php in our theme’s folder
the code may look like this :
// file name : pdf_lv_template.php
global $pdf_light_viewer_config;
$pdf_upload_dir_url = $pdf_light_viewer_config['pdf_upload_dir_url'];
if (!empty($pdf_light_viewer_config['pages'])) { ?>
<div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
<div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">
<?php foreach ($pdf_light_viewer_config['pages'] as $index => $page) { ?>
<div class="item <?php echo ($index == 0) ? ' active ' : '' ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $pdf_upload_dir_url . '/' . $page; ?>" alt="loading image"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
above code just loop through linked images, u can add your own css classes to suite your needs.
Now we can use this template by this short code:
[pdf-light-viewer id="142" template="pdf_lv_template.php"]
hope this helps. ??
P.S. : updated the code , using bootstrap default Carousel