web matrix can help you get your website done quick and dirty up in about 20 minutes. But if your plans include embedding your wordpress blog into a different website, then development can pose a challenge.
Web matrix as part of the assistance it provides runs its own website instance on your localhost based IIS instance. So you can develop and then test on localhost – so long as you restrict yourself to the wordpress blog developed on web matrix – so far so good.
The problem arises when you switch to the code of the website in which you plan to embed this blog. That requires a different instance of a site on your local IIS to run – and to run this website, your wordpress blog instance needs to be switched off. Which would mean you would go to Webmatrix, switch off the wordpress blog, switch to IIS (under control panel) switch on the website to even simply test it out.
And once you are done with the website, when you want to switch to web matrix, you would need to reverse the process – painful isn’t it?
Worse, how would you test your creation in an integrated fashion – with both web matrix’ wordpress blog AND the website running on your IIS instance?
The only way would seem to embed wordpress in website – try this link – https://www.moshublog.com
Good luck.
Here’s the specific link: https://moshublog.com/2005/07/05/integrate/