Webpage load speed is killing my website
emergetech.com is the site.
I cannot seem to get a clear idea of what is causing it to load so slow. I have downloaded W3 Total Cashe and Leverage Browser Caching Ninja.
I have optimized the images and minimized what I can with plugins.
https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=emergetech.com&tab=desktop For desktops I scored an 86. Isn’t that supposed to be good?
https://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/clqpAy/emergetech.com I seem to be around 3.5 seconds on Pingdom. However, it feels like when im loading my page it takes much longer than 3.5 seconds.
It feels like navigating my website is like trying to walk through a foot of mud, loading each page is an issue. And this is coming from the computer that is on the website every day…shouldn’t it at least load fast for me?
Could the issue be related to something on the server or with the hosting? Im not tech savvy so I’m out of ideas on where to improve the speed.
What can I do?
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