• Since I am currently running the b2 webring, is there a need for a word press one? I have no problem running that one as well as there is a ton of room on the server. ??
    Just need a go-ahead and a name for it.

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  • I’ve seen lots of web rings around. I never really understood the concept. I’m not trying to be glib here, but why would I want to join a webring?

    Actually it will draw more people to your site…if you have something profound to say to the world, you can get through to more people this way. I join them as I like having other sites in a ring that are like mine. For instance I have tutorials and I’m in a ring that links tutorial sites together. It makes it easier for people to find a tutorial they can use if there are a bunch of sites linked together. Does that make sense?
    From the https://ringsaround.net homepage: A webring is a community of pages with related content, organized into a virtual ring. Each page in a ring has links which let visitors move to an adjacent site on the ring, summon a ring index, or hop to a random site. Webrings let web visitors quickly and reliably find sites with related subjects.

    Thanks for your reply. I understand now! ??

    You are welcome, Craig! Hope you join one! ??

    I had to move the webring recently. You can find it here now. ??

    Had an extra “%22” at the end of that link. ??

    Thanks sunshine, I don’t know how that happened. ??



    Could an admin please make this a sticky thread? The webring is growing, but it’s very slowly growing. Thanks! ??



    Maybe we could add it to the wiki …. not sure where though.



    After all of the server changes I’ve made over the past couple of months, I forgot to put the webring code back on my main pages (whoops!). Obviously I ended up being removed. Should I re-register or do you re-activate old accounts? I only ask because I liked being #13 ??



    You will have to register for the ring again.
    That would be cool to have it in the Wiki. I’m not sure where either. Maybe there’s a misc. section or one should be created?

    No. That ring has been deleted. I deleted it and all the members in mid-August.

    I’ve started a new webring. See this post:

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