• Hi,

    I’m new to wordpress and I’m trying to get some answers on this subject, I hope you can help me.

    I would like to have a website but I’ll create it in wordpress. Is this possible? Are there any limitations or is it like creating a HTML and CSS based website?

    I wish to do it this way because I was to intergrate a blog into the website.

    Any advise, tips or resources on this would be great

    Thanks for your time


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  • tigtog


    Once you have wordpress installed, you can create posts and pages using basic xhtml markup for formatting paragraphs/lists etc. WordPress will act as the CMS – content management system – to keep those pages linked within the MySQL/PHP database, so overall it’s a bit more complicated than just HTML, but you’ll really not need to bother with that unless you really enjoy tinkering.

    The CSS will all be handled from a single “theme” template which will control the appearance of the whole site.

    You might like to look at this to get an idea of some more specific questions


    No, WP does not make an html website. It works with a database, PHP, CSS and some xhtml and whoknowswhat. Working with PHP is very much different from working with html.

    But you can install WP in a new folder or subdomain and link to it from your website.

    You have to basically install wordpress through your hosting account’s CPanel. You get blog softwares listed there from which you have to choose wordpress. Then when it asks you where to place it put your domain name. You can also place it on another path like https://www.yourdomain/blog.

    You will be editing CSS files in wordpress through your editor for customisation or you can do it from your file manager of your hosting account.

    You can install the website and then in a sub-directory you can install the blog.

    Sure it is possible to create your website in WordPress… That’s a great choice…

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