• My website https://www.ecoconcord.com WP control panel is not accessible due to exceeding of bandwidth. The bandwidth is 100 MB. The problem is due to storage of web based email ([email protected]). I wish to delete all those emails and to do away with that mail since I have a gmail id into which all those mails are automatically copied. Please advise me what to do since the control panel is not accessible.

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  • YOU Can contact hosting provider they will do this business


    As you use the website email address to forward the mail on to your gmail account you cannot delete/remove the [email protected] email account and still receive those forwarded emails. You have 2 choices:

    1) Increase the storage on your hosting account by contacting your host
    2) Log in to your cPanel or whatever web management panel your host has provided you with (note, this is not the WordPress dashboard) and delete the old messages from your inbox and sent mail directories (messages with attachments will be larger). You will need to keep an eye on your hosting account and periodically clean out these folders, or you will again hit your storage limit of 100 mb.

    * Note we are talking storage here, not bandwidth.


    I stand corrected. Your bandwidth is indeed the problem. Bandwidth is not affected by email traffic unless you are receiving many large size email (i.e. with attachments). bandwidth is affected by the KB size of your pages and the number of visitors to your site. To reduce your bandwidth usage you have two choices:

    a) optimise your site to reduce its size (e.g. gzip the content, optimise the images, enable browser caching, use a CDN
    b) contact your host to increase your bandwidth

    Note that 100 MB is pretty low for bandwidth, so you may choose to do both (a) and (b).

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