Website hacked–no idea what do at this point
Sorry for the long post….
I have been fighting this for a few weeks now. A few weeks ago, some twitter followers told me that when the clicked on Twitter links linking to my site (, they were redirected to adultfriendfinder -dot- com (or net or one of those). I never happened to me, but a couple weeks ago, I clicked on one of those links on my iPhone and it took me to the site. I can never get it to load on my own computer. I can never get it to load on my phone when I’m at home either–even on the 3G/4G network–only when I’m away from home.I’ve installed WordFence, Anti-Malware Removal, and sucuri. On the Sucuri site, my site loads as blacklisted. Looking through the actual plugin, it says it’s all fine (save the blacklist). The other plugins scan my files and say everything’s fine too. With several exceptions of eval codes in plugins, it doesn’t flag anything (I’ve compared those instances to the original plugin files and nothing’s been modified).
Then it started spreading onto my other sites. I have a shared hosting package and each site is in a subdomain. (the main root of my shared pacage–the public_html), Yesterday I found a file, in my public_html folder. I think it’s been in there since Dec–according to what cpanel says. There were also a ton of other obviously fake files. Like a Configuration.php. I deleted all of these.
Still nothing. I changed passwords and everything (on all the sites). Still nothing.
I did an experiment. I set up a new wordpress site ( Clean installation. Within a day, I was getting the redirects.
Today I’ve spent the entire day deleting the wordpress sites and reinstalling them with clean installations and everything. I scanned everything in the wp-content folder. Everything seems ok. I’ve re uploaded the images and I’ve installed fresh new copies of the plugins.
I’ve changed passwords and everything again. I just barely reuploaded fresh installations… and I’m still getting reports of redirects. All of my sites have been wiped and reinstalled. I really don’t know how it’s still going. The only thing that’s constant are the SQL databases and images. But I don’t think it’s the images (is there anyway of knowing?)
I had a phpBB and myBB sites in there as well. I thought it was possible that they could have come in through that. I’ve since deleted those–still doesn’t help.
I’ve checked the .htaccess files… all of them I could find… multiple times… They haven’t been modified. They’re normal.
I’ve scanned for evals… base64… I seriously don’t know what to do at this point.
I even contacted my host, wondering if other sites on the server I’m sharing have been infected. According to them, they’ve scanned it and everything is OK. They say they also scanned my site and that everything is fine. Yes, even cPanel/FTP passwords have been changed multiple times during this whole process.
I’ve looked at all the links that the mods post when people post these things and I’ve followed all those steps. Nothing is working.
I’ve done everything I’ve read and know… I’m at a dead end at this point.
Help? ??
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