Anyway, I looked to see what is going on and I see CloudFlare… Ah Ha! No, not so fast I don’t see a CloudFlare Proxy. HMMM?
I looked up the host and see wP Engine… But you say you called the server host… Was it WP Engine? They couldn’t help you figure this one out? The people at WP engine know their stuff.
My mind is racing now. Time Change last weekend? Ground Hog Day? Early April Fools joke? Was the old Brent a prankster?
So, then I’m thinking changes show up inhouse but don’t show out on the world wide wait?
Is it possible you are doing this change on an in-house server? Or a Sandbox account?
Have you made these kinds of changes before? was there a step needed to upload the change to the production box?
Nginx proxy? I see a Nginx server… But it’s on the Google Cloud?
Who did you call for help earlier?
I’m stumped but I’m wondering about that Nginx box and the possibility you’re running some in-house box that needs to be sync’d in some manner with the actual host because a change to a page should have triggered a reload on a caching server after a second or third request.
Who designed that site for you? Can you call them for help?
Let us know what you find out or if you need more help.