One of the biggest issues with slow sites is hosting and the plugin stack. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet for this but I may be able to suggest some of the best practices.
The first thing I personally would look at is your hosting. Are you on shared hosting or a lower level box? The server response is a bit slow which leads me to think the server itself is under a load or underpowered for your given needs.
The next thing I would look at is running a cache plugin. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/search/cache/
With themese like you have (not free I am assuming) they typically have a side loader or built-in modes for development and production. They may even run a cache method as well. I would read through the documentation for it to track any cache/mode options that could help.
Lastly, I would look at the plugins you are using. If it is not needed, get rid of it.