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  • Thank you for using the calendar and a big thank you for the feature request. Can you please tell me a little more about what you’re looking for. Do you want to see the week number since the start of the year? Are you looking for a place which shows we are currently in the 35th week of 2019?

    Thread Starter myblogisgreat


    It would be awesome to have the week number before the first day of the week, for instance like this calendar


    Thanks again @myblogisgreat. I need to think about that a little bit and do some design around it. Many people use the calendar on smaller screens so screen space is always an issue.

    Also, can you tell me a little more about why you want to see this? Is this just the way you like looking at calendars? Do you use the week number to plan your blog? I’m trying to figure out how to best add this feature.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter myblogisgreat


    Thanks for considering this!

    Where I live we usually refer to week numbers when planning things. ??
    “In week 37 we go on vacation”
    When I plan my blog posts I have my paper calendar where I write things down, week by week. Scheduling the posts seeing the week numbers in WordPress, would make my life so much easier.

    Thank you for the information. May I ask where you live? Is this a common practice to specific countries or regions? I live in the North Eastern United States and that’s not a common practice here. I’m trying to determine if I should turn this on for specific locales.

    Thread Starter myblogisgreat


    Sweden, also being used in other EU contries but not all.
    Some booking calendars are just putting an enable/disable button to show the week number or not.
    Interesting that a behaviour so common in one country does not exist in another. ??
    Thanks for taking the time!

    Different parts of the world count weeks in different ways.
    US, typically, start the week by Sunday and “week 1” is whatever week falls on Jan 1st.
    Sweden uses the ISO-8601 specification. The week starts on Monday, and “week 1” is the first week of the year that has at least 4 days of the new year. (Programmatically this can be translated to “Jan 4th is always in week 1”.) I.e. Dec 31 can be in week 1 of the next year and Jan 1 can be in week 52 or week 53 of the previous year.

    It may sound tricky to do these all calculations, but PHP date() would rescue you in 10 seconds, see date format code W.

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