The text of the day of the week uses the translation text of the plugin. Currently, the days of the week do not seem to be translated in Spanish.
You can also change it by inserting the following code into your theme’s functions.php.
add_filter( 'gettext_with_context_xo-event-calendar', function( $translation, $text, $context ) {
$texts = array(
array( 'S', 'Sunday initial', 'D' ),
array( 'M', 'Monday initial', 'L' ),
array( 'T', 'Tuesday initial', 'M' ),
array( 'W', 'Wednesday initial', 'X' ),
array( 'T', 'Thursday initial', 'J' ),
array( 'F', 'Friday initial', 'V' ),
array( 'S', 'Saturday initial', 'S' ),
foreach ( $texts as $key => $value ) {
if ( $value[0] === $text && $value[1] === $context ) {
return $value[2];
return $translation;
}, 10, 3 );