Ok for anyone with this issue I found this:
$curl = preg_replace(“/’s/”, ‘’s’, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(“/'(\d\d(?:’|’)?s)/”, “’$1”, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(‘/(\s|\A|”)\’/’, ‘$1‘’, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(‘/(\d+)”/’, ‘$1″’, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(“/(\d+)’/”, ‘$1′’, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(“/(\S)'([^’\s])/”, “$1’$2”, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(‘/(\s|\A)”(?!\s)/’, ‘$1“$2’, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(‘/”(\s|\S|\Z)/’, ‘”$1’, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(“/'([\s.]|\Z)/”, ‘’$1’, $curl);
$curl = preg_replace(“/ \(tm\)/i”, ‘ ?’, $curl);
$curl = str_replace(“””, ‘”’, $curl);
Open wp-includes/functions-formatting.php and comment out those lines. Also avoid using MS office, because apps like that use those as well. Try editing in note/wordad or the WP editor.
Now..does anyone know how to remove all previous posts that have those chars in it? A simple find replace query won’t work, it has SQL errors idk why. Using a text editor won’t work either =\