• Hello everybody,
    I’ve been experiencing a bizarre problem every time i share my wp posts on facebook.
    the thumbnail displays correctly, and so do title and url, but the abstract is completely messed up. Instead of showing the first lines of the articles, it says something like (it can change a bit from article to article):

    “Send this article by email What is your name? Please indicate below the emails to which you want to send this article: Salerno: legano cane e lo lasciano affogare Enter one email per line. No more than 0 emails. Send Close __reach_config = { pid: ‘503b463ea782f31ee70000cf’, title: ‘Salerno: legano c…”

    I’m using add link to facebook as a plugin to automatically share my posts. so i deactivated the plugin and tried to see if it worked. nothing. it doesnt matter how i share the content (directly from the blog, copying and pasting the url into my fb status, using social share buttons) it just doesnt work. i’ve deactivated one by one all my plugins but the problem is still there, so i have no idea of how i can fix it.

    I use magazine premium as a theme, but i’ve never experienced this problem before.
    thank you.

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