Weird Font Formatting
I created a simple quiz about the price of a gallon of gas back in 1973 (single correct answer) having choices like this:
less than $0.25 per gallon
$0.25 to $0.349 per gallon
$0.35 to $0.449 per gallon
The text is munged up when it displays:
Don’t know if that will display properly (it doesn’t in the editor). Basically, spaces get eliminated and some text gets converted to italics, for example:
0.25to0.349 per gallon
The font for the 0.25 appears to be different from the rest of the text.
Off the top of my head this looks like your parser is not properly handling/escaping $ in text fields, and is instead trying to treat them as the prefix to a custom variable name. Which of course doesn’t work for what I wrote.
So how do I include $ in my text?
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