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    = 1.1.9 =
    * Fade in and scroll to pervious screen position, when read more button is used in the front page.
    * Better results on mobile devices.
    * New responsive admin page (see screenshots).
    * New file structure to improve speed.
    * More quantity options, to display even or odd tiles.
    * Dutch language added.

    Feel free to download here and see the demo here

    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    New release 1.2.0 is ready, download it here.

    = 1.2.0 =
    * Minimized PHP code by using new parameters.
    * Set background + font color, font size for titles.
    * Set background + font color, font size for buttons.
    * Read more buttons text or + sign settings improved.
    * Better admin page lay-out.
    * Minor bugs resolved.

    Demo is here

    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    New version available :
    = 1.2.1 =
    * Trim function for excerpts optimized.
    * Font size for tile titles, thanks to forwp2015.
    * Show the tile title at the bottem or top, thanks to forwp2015.
    * Hide tile title when set to bottom and excerpt is showing.
    * Set maximum words showed by the excerpt.
    * Admin page simplified.
    * Dutch translation optimized.

    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.2.2 =
    * New lay-out Photo (rectangle) thanks to forwp2015.
    * Selection: Category/ Tags Archive or Tiles pages.
    * Popup warning if selecting Tile pages instead Category/Tag Archive pages.

    Regards, Danny ??

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    version 1.2..3
    Minor redirect bug reported by forwp2015 is solved, described here.

    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.2.4 =
    * Term ID correction by calling Tags.
    * Updated the Dutch language.
    * Admin panel translation parameters corrected.

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    New detailed manual available here.

    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.2.5 =
    * Now up to 6 different lay-outs, See sample page here
    * More lay-outs requests possible here

    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.2.6 =
    * Addition shortcode: [wud slug=”cat_or_tag” **tiles=”2″**] to display x tiles from category or tag.
    * If using shortcode [wud slug=”cat_or_tag”] it wil display the number defined in the settings from WP Tiles WUD.
    * Removed bug ‘no header info’.
    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    Removes all WP Tiles WUD database data by uninstall.
    Add new options on plugin page.
    Corrected bug by selecting archives only
    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.2.8 =
    * Read more “page”, now with same lay-out as front page.
    * Read more “tiles” lay-out improved.
    * Lay-out now extended to all the Category and Tag “Tiles” pages
    * New tiles lay-out: Mix
    * If tile number +20 is reached, take again lay-out from tile 1 and start all over again.
    * Optimized PHP, CSS and JQuery code.

    Demo: here

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.2.9 =
    * Removed tiny read more bug.
    Sorry for this issue.

    = 1.2.8 =
    * Read more “page”, now with same lay-out as front page.
    * Read more “tiles” lay-out improved.
    * Lay-out now extended to all the Category and Tag “Tiles” pages
    * New tiles lay-out: Mix
    * If tile number +20 is reached, take again lay-out from tile 1 and start all over again.
    * Optimized PHP, CSS and JQuery code.

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.3.0 =
    * Adjusted Jquery handling, thanks to [Guido](
    * Admin page correction for IE users, thanks to [Guido](

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.3.1 =
    * Enable static frontpage in WordPress to activate WP Tiles WUD correctly.
    * We provide the use anywhere option in our next release.
    * Big thanks to Guido ( to point us in the right direction!

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    = 1.3.2 =
    * Static page option is not anymore needed to display tile pages.
    * Create your own tile pages or display category’s and tags as tile pages.
    * Easy to install and setup any page/ post.
    * Cleaned up PHP code for better performance.
    [signature moderated]

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