alrighty then!
A note to anyone that hasnt already figured this out: When faced with a problem, sometimes you have to step back from the screen for a while to let ideas flow.
Ive fixed far more things by walking away and then coming back later than any other way.
So about the id being duplicated.. I got to thinking that all I needed to do was attach a unique number to each posts menu. I just needed a way to number the posts.
The obvious way was just to attach the postnum. so now, using some code similar to this
<?php $postnum = 1; ?>
<?php $postnum++; ?>
I can cycle through the loop, numbering the posts, and attach that number to the corresponding IDs.
Since all of my pages are set up to display 3 posts maximum, I knew I would only have 3 IDs to deal with. But since I dont know jack about javascript manipulating the script took someone else’s input.
Two test javascripts later, problem solved. ??
PS: I got one comment about issues with Safari, and its a tough one to troubleshoot since I dont have a mac, but Im hoping some simple googling might turn up an answer. Im guessing its related to the overflow: auto I use in my trackback link generation box.