WEPBack up has destroyed my site
I have been relying on WP Backup for the last 5 years every day receiving a backup of my site. Lately because of the size of my site I get the following message Unfortunately, the backup file was too large to attach to this email.
You can download the backup file by clicking the link below:I have not had to resort to accessing the restore facility, that is until today.My site has not just been hacked into; every file has been removed and in their place there is a spurious link to PayPal which is a SCAM to access vulnerable visitors to my site entering their PayPal details so the bandits can milk their private accounts. They use a piece of opensource software called ANONISMA which shows them how to install the scam and to back the instructions up there are a number of YouTube videos devoted to setting up the scam. I have been able to find out who the scammer was but what can I do with that information. However the purpose of this message is to say that because all the files have been removed from my site this link I receive every day is totally useless all I get by linking on it is a 404 error page. My fault I know for believing a WPplugin would actually carry out its promise. Even worse the site also has SiteLock on it who boldly claim: Protect your site from hackers! That is two pieces of software who fail to say we will protect your site until you need to then sorry we do not carry out our promises.
If anyone has any idea how to get a site of over 100 pages back without a backup that does not work I would appreciate hearing from you.
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