Please help! I’m going out of my mind!
I have a website connected to Mailchimp by API. Everything worked fine, but suddenly, without a reason, everything crashed. My wordpress site (https://metodywychowawcze.pl) is connected to mailchimp by Easy Forms for MailChimp, I also use Contact Form 7.
Everything seems to work fine, but emails don’t show on my Mailchimp list. In Easy Forms for MailChimp I see “No MailChimp lists found”.
It’s not Akamai problem – I talked with mailchimp and we checked it by “curl -v https://us20.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/?apikey=0e972c7de965d5c79aec8777d2xxxxx-us13”
Mailchimp claims, it is not problem on their site.
I don’t use any security program like wordfence.
Please help!!!
Micha? K?dzierski