• Hello Support,

    Today, on advice, I installed your security plugin because it would be better and wouldn’t slow down my website. I installed it and turned on the most normal settings. I had a dinner appointment with friends tonight and wouldn’t actually test the speed until tomorrow. Received an email from a customer and also an email from your plugin, Subject: File Change Warning. Body: A file (or files) on your site have been changed…
    Okay I tought, 1 or 2 maybe 3 files… But NO…25044 files have been changed!! Didn’t know at all that I had so many files on my site. But what’s going on here? Can almost pull the hair out of my head. How do I get this restored again?

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  • Rest assured. None of those files changed.
    The first file change detection (fcd) scan will always report all files as Added because it had nothing to compare with.

    Fcd compares the stored file hashes from a previous scan with the current file hashes.

    To prevent any confusion, I’m not iThemes.


    Disable the File Change Detection feature of the plugin. It’s useless. It will slow down your website and does not tell you if a malicious file (or files) have been injected into your website. For the untrained eye or non-developers, this feature can be viewed as a “data dump” that creates confusion. Not helpful.

    In turn, run a security scan of your website at the interval of your choice. You can use any or all of the tools listed here.

    If the above tools detect a malicious file (or files), your hosting company can help you get rid of them or you can retrieve a clean back-up of your website. Just make sure you back-up your website on a daily basis. If a back-up, say, from the previous day does not work, go back 1, 2, or 3 weeks until you identify one that is clean.

    The above may give you (or reader) the impression that this plugin is not helpful. Far from the truth. We use it and has helped us in many other ways.


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