What are the plans for WooCommerce to upgrade to jQuery Select2 v4
This has become more and more of an issue as more plugins begin using Select2. Each using their own versions, no body updating regularly. It has become quite nightmarish for another plugin developer to deal with.
WP Core has already discussed including Select2 v4 into core and even contributed over the last year to get Select2 v4 ready with major enhancements to Accessibility and function, such as including AJAX methods without having to write custom ones like WC does.
The problem is you guys are still using an older version and because of your customizations it is not backward compatible with the latest versions.
Since WP Core will never include Select2 v3.5 due to lack of accessibility when will WooCommerce follow suit? Mainly due to the sheer number of your users it is nearly impossible to avoid issues and they will continue to pile up over the next year. You can’t blame every other plugin for wanting to use the better versions, and can’t point your users to us each time they have a problem saying we need to fix it. (Not saying that is what is happening, but I can say not a single one of my users posted any issues on the WooCommerce forums saying that WC broke Popup Makers admin, even though that is what was happening).
I say set an example and make it happen, your lives will be simpler for it since most of the customization and extra code you guys are managing for select2 functionality can easily be achieved with no customization needed.
Plus Accessibility rocks. Hear that at every WordCamp.
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