Jamie, publishers often deal with AdobeRGB images, so anyone supplying AdobeRGB originals will face this problem. Untagged versions will be interpreted as sRGB, and will appear washed out.
Ideally, the plug-in should provide an option to do a colour space conversion. I’m not holding my breath.
Handoko, I agree that stripping EXIF is not necessarily a bad thing. You must agree though that removing an ICC profile tag is pretty bad, and most would argue that stripping IPTC metadata is not to be encouraged in the current climate.
I have also looked at EDD, and I agree that’s it’s a much more mature plugin. There is no resizing facility, if I remember correctly, and there were other suitability problems too, but I can’t remember them now.
I may have another look at EDD, as I am finding it very frustrating working with the developers of Sell Media, which still seems a long way off being fit for purpose.