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  • Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    TablePress tables are stored with a Custom Post Type of “tablepress_table” in the “wp_posts” table.
    Additionally, there are two entries in the “wp_options” table that connect the table IDs with the post IDs from the database.

    If you still have access to the old site, the easiest way to move tables would be to export them to the JSON format and then re-import that on the new site.


    Thread Starter tcwaters



    I can locate the data in the wp_posts table. The data is all in there, however, it is not being displayed. Here are examples:

    I am running WP 3.9.1 as a multi-site install running on a Windows server. I can easily provide you access to the WP- admin interface. I can not easily provide you access to the MySQL database.

    I am pretty clueless with SQL, and MySQL, however I have a tech for the University who is excellent who can assist as needed.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for checking that!

    Can you find out if there’s an entry “tablepress_tables” in the “wp_options” table? That seems to be what’s missing here (so that TablePress can not connect the table IDs from the Shortcodes with the post data in the “wp_posts” table).

    Can you maybe also check if there’s such an entry in the “wp_options” table in the backup?

    If that doesn’t help, I’d like to take a direct look at this on your site. Could you therefore please create a temporary admin account for me and send me the details via email (the address is in the main plugin file “tablepress.php”)? That way, I can investigate this directly. Thanks!


    Thread Starter tcwaters


    Added note:
    When I say the data is in the database, I mean that there are rows with the custom type “table press_table” and if I look at the post_content for those rows, it appears to be the correct data,

    [[“Course Number”,”Course Title”,”Course Credits”],[“Fall Semester”,””,””],[“PHARM 3040″,”Statistics”,”3″],[“PHARM 3024″,”Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar”,”1″],[“PHARM 3028″,”Pharmacology and Therapeutics”,”5″],[“Journal Club”,”1″,””],[“PHARM 3042″,”Research Practicum”,”41280″],[“Optional Electives”,”41278″,””],[“Spring Semester”,””,””],[“PHARM 3040″,”Pharmaceutical Analysis”,”3″],[“PHARM 3023″,”Foundations in Pharmaceutical Sciences”,”5″],[“PHARM 3024″,”Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar”,”1″],[“Journal Club”,”1″,””],[“PHARM 3042″,”Research Practicum”,”41279″],[“Optional Electives”,”41278″,””],[“Summer Semester”,””,””],[“PHARM 3042″,”Research Practicum”,”41345″],[“Optional Electives”,”41283″,””]]

    However, I don’t see anything anywhere that identifies these rows as what is missing on the pages, i.e [table “9” not found /] There is nothing in these rows that link the content to a TablePress table number?

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    no, the link or connection between the content/rows there and the table IDs in the Shortcodes is done in an entry that is stored with the key “tablepress_tables” In the “wp_options” table.


    Thread Starter tcwaters


    Can you find out if there’s an entry “tablepress_tables” in the “wp_options” table?

    Yes, there is however, I did create a new table to test if a table could be added. so not sure how that affects things, but here is what is in it.


    Am I correct, that this field should hold an array (??) of each of the table numbers and the rows that are associated with each one?

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    ok, it looks like that field did not get copied during the migration then.
    This should indeed be an array, with the table IDs (“1” and “2” in your example) and the post IDs (801 and 389).
    Can you now maybe check for a similar entry in the SQL backup? We could then restore the missing links from there, otherwise, we’d have to recreate them (which is not difficult, but just a little bit tedious, depending on the number of tables that you have).


    Thread Starter tcwaters


    Yes, this makes sense to me. I have requested the entry from the SQL back up. I have also looked at recreating the array. There are only 12 tables, so it may not be too difficult to recreate the array.

    THX for your help and I’ll report back on the progress.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    sounds good! If you are having troube, just let me know, and we can work on recreating that array together.


    Thread Starter tcwaters


    The problem has been resolved.Thanks for your help in general, but also a BIG THANKS for the way you explained things and answered my questions.

    Sometimes plugin developers answer questions, but their answers aren’t very easy for someone new to MySQL or the backend of WP, to understand. Your answers were the perfect mix of the requested information and enough explanation to enable me to learn AND fix the problem.

    Thomas Waters

    Thread Starter tcwaters


    The problem was resolved by retrieving the value for “option_name” =”table press_tables from the wp_options table, from a back up. It contained the correct array of all the table press tables.

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    yes, that’s the entry that I meant. Great to hear that this worked! ??

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!

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