• If I put a new link in the link management I see in WP 1.3 a field “RSS URI”. Of course I can put in the RSS URL of the other blog. But what can I do with this information? It seems, it has no direct effect in my blog.
    (Maybe there is a tag parameter which I could use in my index.php ?)

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  • I don’t think it is used for anything except that when you go to site.com/wordpress/wp-links-opml.php, it will create a dynamic opml file for each of your links that has an RSS field. It’s great for exporting your links into something like bloglines or anything that supports opml import.
    In the future, someone could write a plugin that integrates MagpieRSS with WordPress, and you could pull in headlines from other blogs using that RSS feed.

    That’s a good idea. ??

    markjaquith: Very good idea! In combination with this “expand-subitems-via-click”-dhtml-javascript-thing than would it be possible, to click at the linked blog-name and per example the last 5 entries/headlines of this blog would be expanded.

    Yea, I am thinking about writing a plugin for this sorta thing. Has anyone already done it?

    Did you take a look at the date of the last post (before yours?)

    Yes, I did, that’s why I am asking if anyone has already done it.

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