• Resolved LesTexas60


    Strange question but I am trying to find out what code is created in what file when you check the “Primary” box in the menu page.
    If I have sub menu items, the subs show on the primary menu line until I check “Primary Menu” on the “Menu Structure” page. Then the menu is correct and the sub menu items only show when you hover over the parent. I am trying to find out what setting is changed to make this happen and what file is that setting in.

    I ask this because I have a second WP Theme that I am using for specific pages. The Active Theme is hand coded and has a child Theme.
    I can’t activate another theme and take the chance of getting back to the original. On any other site, I could activate the new theme, set the primary menu, go back and activate the old theme and then all the menus work correctly.
    Any help would be appreciated.If you go to this page https://nwihabitat.org/ginas-gallery/
    over half the menu items are subs and should not show up on this main menu.

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  • stephencottontail


    Is this checkbox marked “Primary” next to a label “Theme locations”?

    Thread Starter LesTexas60


    Yes it is…

    Thread Starter LesTexas60


    Bear in Mind, I have checked the box as Primary, then changed to another Theme and marked that Primary. If I pull the first Theme in a plugin, the menu shows as Primary even though the Theme is not active. This shows me something was changed in a file by checking Primary.
    I want to find out what was changed in what file so I don’t have to go through the change Theme process.



    Theme authors can define one or more locations where custom navigation menus can appear. For example, someone may want their primary navigation menu in their header and a smaller menu in their footer. In addition, theme authors can also apply different CSS rules to each menu. To continue with my example, an author could set the subitems to only appear on hover in the header menu, but always be visible in the footer menu.

    In your particular case, though, I can’t say for sure what’s happening with your menu. It seems that some submenus are working: for example, if I hover over “Restore”, I see “About The Restore”, “How To Donate To The Restore”, and “Restore Volunteer”. What items are supposed to be subitems of other items?



    For your other post: WordPress stores your theme options such as what menus and sidebar widgets you were using in the database so that if you switch themes and then switch back, you won’t have to set all your options again.

    Thread Starter LesTexas60


    Thanks Stephen, I think your DB explanation may have answered my question as to where the setting is. I would then need access to the DB and know what field is used and what value to enter.

    It appears every page on my site is showing up as a menu item on the page I have listed. Even pages I have not tied to a menu.

    I think I need to head a different direction to solve this one..

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter LesTexas60


    This is probably a crazy question but, Is there any tools to access and change data in a WP database?



    Do you have the box labeled “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” (located above the “Primary” checkbox we were talking about earlier) checked?

    For your second question: If you know MySQL, you can edit the database directly. This is not for the faint-hearted, though. Make sure you back up your database beforehand.

    Thread Starter LesTexas60


    Thanks Stephen, no the box is not checked..
    I did find MyPHPAdmin so I could view the DB directly.

    Thanks for you help.

    Thread Starter LesTexas60


    Stephen, thank you so much for the interaction. In the end it seems I can accomplish what I want by setting up a subdomain website with it’s own version of WP. I’ll simply point back and forth to the 2 sites as needed. This also allows for multiple themes.

    Without this brain stimulating interaction, I may not have found this solution.

    Thanks again ??

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