• I’ve been working on a media gallery plugin for WP2.0. What kind of features are most important to current users in a media/image gallery plug-in?

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  • I hope i’m not too late at jumping into this bandwagon. This seems v promising for my needs, at least. From a WordPress user who had in the past integrated zenphoto into his WordPress theme, here’s my 2 cents:

    What i really, really hope this plugin can allow me to achieve:

    – Works for a page created in wordpress, ie, fully integrated into wordpress, as if it is part of the wordpress engine.
    – from WordPress admin panel, users can create albums, then use FTP to upload photos to these albums, which are displayed as thumbnails from the specified Page.
    – auto generation of thumbnails
    – slideshow capability
    – Commenting capability using the native commenting system of wordpress! I want any passerbys to drop by my gallery and marvel at my art, and be able to express their admiration for my work, without having to register or go thru any time-consuming tricks. i won;t worry about spam because of Akismet and we are using wordpress’s own commenting system. Unlike many users, commenting is very important for me. I’m a recreational artist and i thrive on feedback.

    as you see, i dun’t ask for much. I need a gallery plugin that works 100% from within WordPress administration, except for the FTP part, and solely for for personal portfliio display, i won;t worry about giving rights to other users. I’m perplexed that after so many years, soething as simple as this don;t exist!!!! mind-boggling!

    To give u an even greater insight, pls look at this: https://photo.cimi.nl/
    It is an yet-to-be released theme for zenphoto. it has everything i need, save one: 100% integration with WordPress. It has slideshow option, commenting option, mass-up loading via FTP, , BUT, it doesn;t play nice with WordPress. I hope my needs would be considered, cheers!

    What’s basically the difference between this idea, vs. Gallery2 and WPG2 plugin? I haven’t made my gallery yet, wonder if I should wait for this rather than try to learn G2.

    Good luck w/ this cj

    Any further development on this project? I’m very interested to see what has come of it:)

    hi, i need a plugin for contributors to upload media files or links in specific fields, but not to edit text/html.
    thanks ??

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