Hey Phil,
Absolutely great plugin – works flawlessly!!! How often does tech do that??? LOL
I would love it if you could add more fields to the payment popup – First Name and Last Name – as separate fields – and somehow hook them into WP registration!
So if a customer were on my site and bought “Package A for $49.00” – when they click the “Buy Now” button, the popup would ask for:
Email, first name, last name, cc number, expiration, cvc (with the optional, as exists, zip and/or address)
And, when the user fills that out, it automatically registers them on my site!
Conversely, if they’re already registerd, the payment window would populate those 3 fields – email, first, last – automatically…but that’s not as important as the other – to me at any rate ??
The thing is I want my Go Pricing tables on my main page – which contain your short codes, and works great! After they make a purchase it brings them to a login/registration screen – just trying to make it one step.
I’m running S2 Member Pro as well.
Thanks again for the great product!!!