I have not been clear enough. I went to
This page shows a forum for:
Installing WP: Not suitable: I am not installing.
Fixing WP: Not suitable: WP is not causing problems.
Developing with WP: I did post this query, and another question about tables, even though it does not seem suitable as I am not a “developer”. I do not develop websites for others, just for myself, and I have a question about a standard WP feature.
Networking WP: Not suitable
Accessibility: not suitable
Localhost installs: Not suitable.
Everything else: This looked promising, but when I looked further, it was not suitable.
Requests and feedback: I do not have a feature request – Oh, what I am doing here is feedback about the difficulty of working out where to post a query.
Alpha Beta: Not suitable.
Themes and plugins: Not relevant.
Question: Where should I post? Is the developing with WP the place to posts because I am developing my own website?
Feedback: making this decision should be easy.