After installing WordPress onto my laptop
My host has somehow messed up my account
Are you working in localhost or on a live website?
Yes, you can always delete pages. They will stay in the trash until you empty it.
]]>in their place, were other pages…thirty-nine of them!
Do you recognize any one of them?
Where these “thirty-nine” created by you?
]]>No, as stated, I had only created about four or five pages, all of which had disappeared. I had not created any of the new ones. As I said in one of my guesses as to what might have happened, perhaps the new pages are just ‘dummy’ pages that are really a part of either the WooCommerce plugin or the Shopkeeper theme; however, being a newbie to all of this, I don’t know how to determine if that’s true or not.
]]>Well, being a newbie, I’m not sure just where I’m working, sad to say. While developing the four or five pages that I had done, I was actually wondering if they were somehow going out onto the internet, hoping all the while that they were not. I’m still not sure just how to work on the website, without actually making it appear on the internet. Is there a way to save my work, without actually publishing in ‘out there’ in cyberspace?
]]>I’m not sure just where I’m working
If you are working in localhost, your URL will generally be either https://localhost/wordpress or (where ‘wordpress’ is the name of your wordpress install; if you installed it in your root, it won’t be there).
If you are working on a live website, your URL will be an actuall address: