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  • @sneader they should all be there.

    Here are the links for them;
    WooCommerce UPS extension
    WooCommerce FedEx extension
    WooCommerce US Postal Service extension

    Feel free to give me a shout anytime if you need any questions answered – just use the email address I provided above.


    I see the problem… when you go to your website, it lists WooCommerce Extensions, and has 3 of them under that… to see ALL the extensions, you have to click the WooCommerce link to the left. Thanks!

    Shawn, do you have any online docs for this extension, that I could look at, before buying?


    We do.

    What specially did you want to know and I can answer them via email – might be a little faster.

    Drop me a note here – shawn [at] extension works dot com



    I’m concerned about this USPS shipping extension (please note that I have not yet used it) because the USPS just made changes to their services about a week or two ago and the changelog here:
    reflects a last change date of Dec. 28, 2012
    Question for the developer of this plugin, are you going to update the extension so that it works with the changes the USPS recently made?

    I currently use a hosted cart provided by a pretty big company and they are always on top of any changes that need to be made. However, even with them, I’ve run into an issue involving USPS First Class International wherein the “Flats” option doesn’t display if I have it enabled. With the costs of shipping going up, I want to be sure I can offer the most economical method to my international customers.

    Please advise?



    @dax702 – I responded to this point a few weeks back…

    @dax702 – I believe this will have no effect on our code as we request the rates, either standard or commercial via their API.

    Just to add to this…
    No PRICES are hard coded in our extension/plugin.

    The extension sends a request to the API and the API (USPS) will then send back the rates. No changes are required for this.

    From what I can see from your comments is that the real issue is how the calculations are occurring rather than the actual rates themselves. I do agree that this is the important part for the plugin to get it right (or close to). I feel our extension does a very good job at it. We have invested a lot of time into our shipping framework and also a new service for intelligent packaging, called Cubica.

    Just remember, there are limitations for all shipping services, including USPS – i.e weight, size (dimensions), girth etc.



    Yes I know that no prices are coded in the extension. But when I have a 9×12 envelope that weighs 10 oz., then First Class International Flats should display when I have it enabled (I’m speaking of my current shopping cart now) This is what their support department told me today:

    I’ve examined USPS shipping services and here’s what I’ve found out.

    With this setting:
    International shipment mail type -> Envelope

    This service is returned for international delivery (i.e. shipment from US to, e.g., England):
    U.S.P.S. First-Class Mail? International Large Envelope

    I researched through the USPS documentation. There’s no exact and verified list of all supported services. And it looks like Large Envelope equals to Flats as there’re references of this kind:
    First-Class Mail International? Large Envelopes (Flats)

    Could you contact USPS support and ask them whether First-Class Mail International Large Envelope and First-Class Mail International Flats are the same services?

    Can you confirm that your USPS extension displays the First Class International Flats option? Because this issue is a result of the USPS’s recent changes.



    Hi these are the changes for USPS.

    Release Notes

    Version 1.0

    Date Delivered: December 28, 2012
    Portfolio: Shipping and Mailing Services Portfolio
    Application Area: WebTools
    Package Name: 2013 January Price Change Release
    Package Version: 1.0

    3 Implementation Summary

    Updates noted herein will be available in the Web Tools testing environment for integrator access on January 14, 2013. The test environment can be accessed, using your production UserID, via the following URL scheme, host and path:
    ? Secure APIs:
    ? Non-secure APIs:

    This release includes the following changes:
    3.1 2013 Rate Engine SDK
    3.1.1 Domestic Rate Engine DLL
    ? New January Price Change Rates and Product name changes
    3.1.2 International Rate Engine DLL
    ? New January Price Change Rates and Product name changes

    3.2 Domestic Rate API Updates
    3.2.1 RateV3 API
    ? Returns new rates for January.
    ? Product Name Change:
    o When <Service>= “ALL,” ”ONLINE,” or “PARCEL POST” new product names will return
    ? WebTools ClientServiceID=”4″ = “Parcel Post?” will now return as “Standard Post?”

    3.2.2 RateV4 API
    ? Returns new rates for January.
    ? Product Name Change:
    o When <Service>= “ALL,” ”ONLINE,” or “PARCEL POST” new product names will return
    ? WebTools ClientServiceID=”4″ = “Parcel Post?” will now return as “Standard Post?”
    o When <Revision>=’2’ and <Service> is not “ALL,” ”ONLINE,” “PLUS” new extra service names will return
    ? WebTools SpecialService ServiceID=”13″ = “Delivery Confirmation?” will now return as “USPS Tracking/Delivery Confirmation?”
    ? New <Service> enumeration “STANDARD POST” to return Standard Post single postage and extra services pricing.

    3.4 International Rate API Updates
    3.4.1 IntlRate and IntlRateV2
    ? Returns new rates for January.
    ? Product Updates:
    o New USPS e-Delivery Confirmation International extra service available for PMI Small Flat Rate and FCMI parcels. (ServiceID=’9’)
    o Name Change:
    ? When <MailType>= “ALL” or ”PACKAGE” new product names will return
    ? WebTools Service ID=”15″ = “First-Class Mail? International Parcel**” will now return as “First-Class Package International Service?”
    o Extra service Restricted Delivery (ServiceID=’3’) will no longer be available for international products
    o EMI Flat Rate Envelopes will have a four pound maximum weight.

    These are the only changes.



    Why did you leave this out?:

    3.4 International Rate API Updates
    3.4.1 IntlRate and IntlRateV2
    · Returns new rates for January.
    · Product Updates:
    o New USPS e-Delivery Confirmation International extra service available for PMI Small Flat Rate and FCMI parcels. (ServiceID=’9’)
    o Name Change:
    § When <MailType>= “ALL” or ”PACKAGE” new product names will return
    · WebTools Service ID=”15″ = “First-Class Mail? International Parcel**” will now return as “First-Class Package International Service?”
    o Extra service Restricted Delivery (ServiceID=’3’) will no longer be available for international products
    o EMI Flat Rate Envelopes will have a four pound maximum weight.



    @dax702 – According to change notes for USPS, they have changed the shipping method names.

    Actually, in the new USPS version, the method name is returned by server. This means if the server (API) changes the method names, our method names should be changed.

    Our older version did have fixed method names in the code, however new version will fetch the method names from the API.

    If you don’t see the postal method, that means the method is unavailable.

    Update on USPS shipping. We have the current USPS plugin ver. 2.1.6 and it seems to be working. We changed some settings and on the front end customers are offered first class shipping for packages under 13 oz and priority shipping for other packages. The charges returned in the shopping cart are correct when compared against the USPS directly. Seems to be working well!.

    Thread Starter babbsela


    I am now using the USPS Shipping plugin from I’m extremely happy with this. Very easy to customize for any and all types of shipping in the US.

    What are the differences between the extensionworks plugin and the plugin offered by WooThemes? I purchased the plugin back in december when it was still supposedly extensionworks. But I’ll need to download the updated one from Woothemes, which was updated to work with WooCommerce 2.0 recently…

    @dax702 – I went into a little detail about this to you about 1 month ago. But please allow me to add some extra commentary around this now since some things have evolved.

    Some the from before

    We have invested a lot of time into our shipping framework and also a new service for intelligent packaging, called Cubica.

    And now for the extra pieces.
    – Adding Zone Restrictions; which will ensure more granular service selection for specific situations

    Like most software developers, we are open for hearing about your thoughts on how to improve things.

    Well here’s where I’m confused. We purchased the plugin back in december before the change. I wrote too Woothemes and asked them if I could download the updated version for Woo 2.0 that was released last week and they said yes. So the question is, when I download that updated version from my account (actually my developer’s) will I be downloading WooThemes’ updated plugin? or will I be downloading yours?

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