• This is bugging the hell out of me lol. But, I was wondering what everyone is up to these days?

    Just seems like all, or most of the regulars aren’t around as much, hardly anything on Traq is being taken care of..sigh. Most of the Install4free requests were handled by MichaelH, and a couple by me..jeesh!

    I’m sure people are busy and all, but dang lol! Well, hopefully it starts picking up again.. And *hopefully* 2.0.4 gets released soon as well.. =p Well, *hopefully* after most of them “active” tickets are gone lol!

    Anyways..what have you been doing lately..?


    Yeah, I know WordCamp is coming up soon, but shoot, people can still be around if they wanted to be lol!!

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  • I’m trying not to pull my hair out over at the WP.com support forums.

    How many times can one say “Read the big red FAQ sticky at the head of the forums for your answer” in a single day? ??

    Thread Starter spencerp


    How many times can one say “Read the big red FAQ sticky at the head of the forums for your answer” in a single day? ??

    LOL! Yeah.. that would be a little tiresome.. I think whooami is having bascially the same “problems”.. Dealing with the “nOObs” that is, lol..

    I know it might be hard.. but, maybe a little “break” is in order.. ?? That might help a little bit.. I know I’ve been “breaking” from here lately.. Here and there I’ll throw out replies.. but.. not like before sigh.. =(

    Hopefully mood wise, and if not so drained from the heat.. I’ll be more active again .. ?? Either way, I wish ya the best and good luck over there.. drmike =)


    I don’t know if i qualify as a “regular” since I’ve only been around for a few months (but regularly!) – but I see many familiar names in this thread and thought I’d pop in on it.

    Personally, I just got back online after a 3-week absence. I had a baby girl on July 12 – so she’s been keeping me rather busy. I was going insane, though, from not working on things, so I have slowly been “getting back into it” for the past few days – starting with CSS experiments that keep my brain busy.

    But that’s what’s been keeping me offline – I’d say it’s a pretty good reason ??

    Thread Starter spencerp


    I don’t know if i qualify as a “regular” since I’ve only been around for a few months (but regularly!)

    Hehe, I’d consider you a “regular”.. =) Since you’ve started here, you’ve been around alot more then most of the “old-school regulars” lol.. =p

    I had a baby girl on July 12 – so she’s been keeping me rather busy. I was going insane, though, from not working on things, so I have slowly been “getting back into it” for the past few days – starting with CSS experiments that keep my brain busy.

    Aww…Congratulations! =) I have two boys myself .. So, I know how that is hehe. =) You’ll eventually get back into the full swing of things again then.. =)

    But that’s what’s been keeping me offline – I’d say it’s a pretty good reason ??

    Well, that’s a perfectly respectable, and understandable reason, of why you’ve been offline lately. =) I totally agree with you on that.. =) Congratulations again, and thank you for sharing that with us all. =)


    P.S. I also posted about your “help” thread to the wp-testers and wp-hackers emailing list.. I’m not sure what will come of it though sigh.. I gave a brief description of problem and link to your forum thread.. *hopefully* someone posts something to it, or to the list inregards to it. =) [crosses fingers…]

    thanks spencer ?? I appreciate that!

    I’ve been trying to relax in all this heat. However, I still seem to be addicted to the wonderful world of computers and the internet. In addition to helping out on the support forum where I feel I can (which isn’t a lot), I’m still modfifying and experimenting with WP. Now, I’m using the Vanilla forum and trying to get it ready for my classes in the fall. I ported one plugin to the extensions Vanilla uses and may do others (if there is a need).

    I’d just like to say that this blogging platform has exposed me to many people and parts of the world that I wouldn’t necessarily know about. It is a great feeling when you help some from another country and they say thanks.

    Good to see you doodlebee! And congratulations on the baby, child-birth can be traumatic, and not just for the baby ;’) Lot’s of stress and worries with mine.

    My daughter is 16 now and I’ve been raising her on my own since she was 4. Whenever I think I’m in control I just have to look at her and I’m reminded I am not in control of anything (but myself, on occasion ;’).

    Thread Starter spencerp


    thanks spencer ?? I appreciate that!

    You’re so very welcome. =) ??

    @jwurster, “we” are so glad to have you here, helping out in the forums and sharing your knowledge. ?? =) I’m with you on the heat thing, I think it’s the main reason why people aren’t so “busy” online, because it’s just too draining sigh..

    Also, congrats on the extension, and getting that Vanilla forum software going for yourself and classes. =) Like you said, it’s so nice and awesome, and I still can’t fathom how many nice people you can meet through here, and online in general.. It’s such a wonderful thing. ?? =)

    Thank you so much for sharing that with us.. =)

    @yosemite (Sam), I know how you feel..except the now ex-wife has our boys.. but, when we were together.. I was doing most of the raising hehe.. for our eldest boy.. =)

    Which was very hard.. because he was born premature, and has cerebral palsy..and can’t walk, talk to well and so forth. =( Our time raising him, from newborn till he was 2yr old, was really stressful and hard.. but, as loving parents that we are.. we got through it. =)

    And now that our boys: Justin (0ldest) is now 6, and our youngest Josh is now 4.. we feel so happy and wonderful that we have raised our boys so good.. and of course..as many more years follow..it can only get even better. =)

    Thanks for sharing too, Yosemite (Sam). =)


    Sometimes I think that computers, being as logical(?) as they are, bring some stability into our lives which are frequently unstable. Children definitely make life interesting. We have an 18-year old daughter who has been in post traumatic syndrome for almost 2 years. So, making a scripting change and seeing an immediate solution to a problem is certainly a refreshing change from our lives when we have no clue what to do.

    Thanks all for sharing. ??

    jwurster: Ahh, the illusion of control ;’) I know what you mean…

    My daughter was diagnosed with PTSD about a decade ago. She’s very bright, tall/attractive with a bathing suit model’s body (and yes, I do think it’s pay-back for growing up thinking women folded), and there are some social and self-esteem issues that sometimes break my heart. But if I stand back, she just doesn’t look all that different from so many other kids her age. But, standing back as a parent is damn hard…

    Spence: Sometimes all you can do is try and be ‘available’. Hang in there…

    Thread Starter spencerp


    Spence: Sometimes all you can do is try and be ‘available’. Hang in there..

    Yeah..that’s true.. =) Well, even though the “wife” then, and I didn’t get along great..we still managed to make sure the kids have what they need and so forth. =)

    Now, since me and her are divorced.. we are still friends.. and are still making sure the boys are top priority.. =) So, it’s all good.. thanks for your kind words Yosemite. =)


    Thread Starter spencerp


    Ever feel like, just swinging from a tree by your neck? Well, that’s how I’m feeling lately.. sigh. I dunno why, but.. just do.. =( Oh well.. “F” it all, time to lay down and just bawl..

    Nah, better yet, time to go watch the swear word version of the Breakfast Club lol! That “old school” movie kicks arse.. ?? =)


    I dunno why I posted this here, but..just felt like I should.. even though, it should be just kept for my blog.. I dunno. =(

    Watch some Disney movies.

    And I just ran across this link with a bunch on inane humor to make you laugh – https://lussumo.com/community/discussion/3453/the-best-thing-youve-ever-found-on-the-internet/#Item_0.

    Thread Starter spencerp


    Lmao!! Hahaha.. =) After seeing that.. I feel *so* much better..thanks for sharing that.. =) ?? I don’t remember what was going on that day.. just was having a bad day I guess.. =/ Oh well.. I’m better now, so it’s all good.. ?? =)


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