RE: Do you mean keeping the links in “categories” instead of pages or something?
No, I didn’t mean category in the sense of post or page taxonomy as in standard WordPress category/tag. I mean we mentally categorize all the links we have into groups based on its context or relevance.
Suppose our website will have total of 30 links to other websites related to cats, dogs, family and friends. Instead of having 30 links in sidebar (or footbar for modern one column design), we put in only 3 links there.
For this example, in our sidebar (or footbar) we have 3 links each of which is a url to normal WordPress page that we created and named it properly.
- “For cat lovers”
- “For dog lovers”
- “Hello my friends”
On each page (normal WordPress page) write up an introductory paragraph followed by list of links to websites related to the subject of that page. Or we can do it better by writing up introductory paragraph for each link. And now that WP 5.3 has this new Group Block, we can fancy up the design on this page easily.
The reason to have introductory paragraph for each link (or one main paragraph for list of links) is to avoid our website being recognized by search engine as “Link Farm” which can hurt the SEO. And also it gives the context to site visitors, for people to understand why these links are there.