Could you please explain the scope of WCMP / GeomyIP integration ?
What would be the goal(s) and functions that WCMP is thinking about ?
We are also developping a Vendor local pickup option.
Our spec is as follow:
Vendor can have 3 kinds of local:
Showroom where products can be seen
Shop where products can be bought
Pickup where products can be Picked up.
We need to have a Local database
Each local could be selected by one or more Seller (Some sellers may show or Sell products in smae place). as a Showwroom, Shop or pickup place.
By default all produtcs of seller follow this setup.
On top of those seller places, Seller may excluded some products from some places in the product creation screen: this may allow to have a product base specific local for pickup , sell or show.
Pickup location as delivery method:
Already exists 2 main plugins Woocommerce pickup plus and Yoast Local Woocommerce that deal with that.
One of those could be adapted to WCMP.
Showroom and shop address displayed on Seller page
Showrrom, Shop and pickup place could be shown in product page.