• Resolved Rick Cano


    If I can make a suggestion to our WordPress world out there:

    Don’t immediately “upgrade” your plugins as soon as a plugin upgrade comes up – wait a week or two before you upgrade any plugin and watch for any bug reporting either in the WP directory or the author’s forum or support pages.

    You’ll know when you review the forums if people are having difficulty because there’s always users who think you have to upgrade immediately. Even if you tell them not to….they’ll still upgrade immediately.

    Believe me, you’ll be less frustrated and have more peace of mind by waiting.

    Happy coding – RC

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  • While this may well be good advice, you’ve posted it several times already. You also should take a look at this:


    Thread Starter Rick Cano


    Thank you WPyogi – I appreciate your suggestion and link. I’ve owned my domain name for over 9 years now. Have been a member of WordPress.com and www.ads-software.com

    Have posted here at www.ads-software.com for almost 5 years and you’re the first person who has ever commented on my domain name?

    My attorney had reviewed www.ads-software.com’s open source policy back in 2005 and he advised that we were not violating WP’s policy.

    I post free advice to WP users because its part of our company policy that we give back to our community for free.

    If www.ads-software.com has a problem with my domain name and have never notified me that it was a problem in 9 years I would assume that they don’t have a problem with my domain name.

    So I must be mistaken?

    Thread Starter Rick Cano


    I’ll contact www.ads-software.com directly.

    Thanks again

    Have posted here at www.ads-software.com for almost 5 years and you’re the first person who has ever commented on my domain name?

    Guess I was the first one to notice it :). I don’t know about the details of the policy or how it’s handled – we moderators just point out that page to people if and when we notice it.

    It’s always great to see people contributing and helping out – so thanks for doing so :)!

    Thread Starter Rick Cano


    We got our approval about 9 years ago and we followed the trademark policy at the time – however, there was no restriction to the domain name…at least my attorney pulled out a copy of it and it doesn’t mention anything about domain names.

    It does mention to not use the “W” logo/swag or wordpress name within the websites Logo…but nothing about the domain name or url.

    Its also odd because I’ve had several conversations with Matt Mullenweg directly and my company name and direct URL are on my signature block.

    I’ve also had conversations back and forth with the WordPress Foundation when one of my non-profit clients needed to use the swag – I requested permission as per the trademark policy for non-profits.

    Anyhow…no worries….I’m communicating with the Foundation again…just to make sure I still have my exemption from 9 years ago.

    Thanks again – happy coding

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