• just finished… err trying to finish my new blog:


    i?′ve experienced one funny thing: on all archived pages the weather icon/data disappears… i?′ve got no clue why this happens. anyone knows why this happens?

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  • whatless,

    not sure if this is what he used to keep the initial post at the top of the page, but there is a WP plugin. Here is a link to give you more info.


    Thread Starter mr1973



    thanks very much for pointing to that error…will look into it. seems that this syndicate script messes up the code somehow…

    and yes, it?′s the ADHESIVE plugin. work?′s very well with 1.5.




    Bounced around your site a little all looks good.


    Thanks for the link.



    Glad to help whatless…but, you may find out like I did that unless you get the newest Adhesive plugin, it won’t work in WP 1.5

    I just downloaded the newest one and it works fine. Here is the link. You’ll have to scroll down to almost the very bottom of the page.




    sdollen, In regards to your question about redirecting to your wordpress installation from your homepage, you don’y need to mess with .htaccess files at all. At least, not if I’m understanding you correctly. My site https://www.gamingbliss.net redirects to https://www.gamingbliss.net/wordpress for an example. It’s simple html. On the html file that you want to redirect to another (in my case “index.html”) simply include the following code between your <head> and </head> tags.

    <meta HTTP-EQUIV=”REFRESH” content=”0; url=https://www.yoursite.com/blog”>

    Replace “www.yoursite.com/blog” with the URL of your blog and you’ll be good to go. If you want to delay the redirection (perhaps you have a splash screen you’re including this on and would like to automatically redirect in 10 seconds if the user doesn’t click a link on their own first) simply change “content=0” to “content=x” where x is the number of seconds to wait before redirecting to your blog.



    Love it!!!



    Very nice, I liked it from the first time I saw it :).




    I found where I can do a redirect in my CPanel…but, I like your way better! Thanks for that tutorial ??



    You’re welcome. ??

    Thread Starter mr1973


    well friends, it?′s up and free for download at:


    view it with plugins at:


    awesome! thank you…

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