What option Requirements: for php8.3 options and WP 6.X
Here are all the php 8.3 options. I ahve checked those that i have enabled for WP6.x.
I appreciate php options are reuqired to support some wordpress plugins
(I use redis object cache, litespeed, webp, cdn, and other)
I seem to have a LOT of options enabled.
Question: Which of these can i probably uncheck and which should i enable that i haven’t
Here is the list formatted with check marks where applicable:
- [?] mqp
- [?] apcu
- b
- [?] bcmath
- [?] brotli
- [?] bz2
- c
- [?] calendar
- [?] core
- [?] ctype
- [?] curl
- d
- [?] date
- [?] dba
- [?] dbase
- [?] dom
- e
- eio
- [?] enchant
- [?] exif
- f
- [?] ffi
- [?] fileinfo
- [?] filter
- [?] ftp
- g
- [?] gd
- gearman
- geoip
- geos
- [?] gettext
- gmagick
- [?] gmp
- gnupg
- grpc
- h
- [?] hash
- [?] http
- i
- [?] iconv
- igbinary
- imagick
- imap
- inotify
- [?] intl
- j
- jsmin
- [?] json
- l
- ldap
- [?] libxml
- luasandbox
- lzf
- m
- mailparse
- [?] mbstring
- mcrypt
- memcache
- memcached
- mongodb
- msgpack
- [?] mysqli
- [?] mysqlnd
- n
- nd_mysqli
- nd_pdo_mysql
- newrelic
- o
- oauth
- oci8
- odbc
- [?] opcache
- [?] openssl
- p
- pcntl
- [?] pcre
- [?] pdo
- pdo_dblib
- pdo_firebird
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_oci
- pdo_odbc
- pdo_pgsql
- pdo_sqlite
- pdo_sqlsrv
- [?] pgsql
- [?] phar
- [?] posix
- protobuf
- pspell
- psr
- r
- random
- raphf
- rar
- [?] readline
- redis
- [?] reflection
- rrd
- s
- scoutapm
- [?] session
- shmop
- [?] simplexml
- snmp
- [?] soap
- [?] sockets
- [?] sodium
- solr
- [?] spl
- [?] sqlite3
- sqlsrv
- ssh2
- [?] standard
- stats
- swoole
- sysvmsg
- sysvsem
- sysvshm
- t
- tideways_xhprof
- [?] tidy
- timezonedb
- [?] tokenizer
- trader
- u
- uploadprogress
- uuid
- v
- vips
- x
- xdebug
- [?] xml
- [?] xmlreader
- xmlrpc
- [?] xmlwriter
- [?] xsl
- y
- yaml
- yaz
- z
- [?] zip
- [?] zlib
- zmq
thank you
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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