What page does Cars for Sale use to post?
I would like to get rid of the sidebar on the cars for sale page, I have that ability with my theme. I want to get rid of it because it causes the car attributes on the listing to wrap, so instead of:
year: 2007instead I get word wrap
Used year: milage: 60321
2007 make: ext color: gold
Suzuki bla bla blaSo the logical way to fix this is get rid of the sidebar. But I tell my cars for sale page to drop the sidebar but nothing changes, likely
the page is a post, so I need to find where to change the post page to get rid of sidebar from car demon. So my question is where does the car demon page post?site: https://tntcars.com/cars-for-sale
wordpress 3.7.1 using responsive theme and responsive list sytle.
maybe thats it, in those themes.Many thanks, wonderful plugin.
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