What Should 2011 Hold for WordPress?
The core leadership team will be meeting up in person in early January to put together a vision/plan for WordPress in 2011. We’re working on an agenda for the meetup, and when that’s made, we’ll post it. We’re also hoping to do a live town hall via streaming video. Use this thread to make suggestions for WordPress in 2011 (software improvements, community initiatives, etc) and/or to post questions you’d like to see answered in a town hall.
Please try to make helpful suggestions rather than accusatory complaints. Please do not use this thread to post rants, political diatribes, or novel-length expositions on all the things that you think are wrong with WordPress and the world. Try to keep posts to a paragraph and/or a bulleted list so that it doesn’t become unwieldy to review everyone’s posts. Thanks!
This thread will be closed on January 4, 2011 to ensure all posts can be reviewed before the meetup/town hall.
My suggestions:
- Continue streamlining code, getting rid of cruft, and improving inline documentation of the code. I woulnd’t mind seeing an entire major release focused solely on this.
- Put new features to “wow” users in core plugins rather than core itself (example: admin bar) and keep core lightweight.
- I’d love for dynamic sidebars to behave more like nav menus. Themes register “theme locations” and users assign custom-created sidebars to these locations. This would make things such as contextual/dynamic sidebars much easier and users wouldn’t lose sidebars when switching themes.
+1 to other suggestions:
- Term meta table or some way to add metadata for terms.
- Some way to handle post-to-post relationships.
- Centralized way to handle unit tests.
- PHP 5.2+.
- Drop IE6 support.
- Establish a consistent API for front-end and admin Ajax interactions.
- Build a better API for plugins to extend the nav menus, specifically adding new menu item types.
- Finish custom post statuses (#12706).
-1 to other suggestions:
- Grandchild Themes: If you need these, your theme author is doing it wrong.
- Post type / meta box UI: These things are custom. A UI will never be able to handle the complexities involved. Improve how meta boxes are done if needed.
I would like to have the possibility to attribute different menus to different pages.
This would be especially interesting for multilingual sites.But i want to say one thing. It’s very, very important. I will not criticise the “production of next version”, but i will tell you the truth.
As far as i know : somebody says “the next realse will be on 15.7.20xx ” and the major improvements are …….
Afterwards, admin make a timetable and tickets starts to be doing.So from this moment its a bad start to close tickets. Nobody should says when the next release will be published. It’s better to say : “we will close 250 tickets, doesn’t matter which one” (look in the trac, some tickets are should be closed in 2009 <<< something is wrong !) and only then realese a new version.
-We don’t need a huge improvments, “but be with the time”( for example : HTML5,CSS3 etc., or just to maintain the hole WP, thought bugs etc. )Also i must tell,
-that there isn’t any marketing for devs.
Of course, some WP sites publish arcticles (for users only), but we have to make marketing also for the developers !!! Only they can help us to make WP better.
-We have less people working on it and everybody (matt, jenne) has to convience devs and just normally people to work on WP in trac. It should be prestige to work for WP, as the same for HTML5 in W3C.So my recommendations are :
-complettly change the release plan (dev cycle). Start thinking hard on a change for pre-production of next WP.
-make a lot of marketing for devs, some bonus for them. NOT MONEY, but something which matt and jenne must made up. (some small gifts). Just make WP valuable to contribute
I really like WP and a huge thanks to nacin and other people who make it. But we have to change our habbits and start a new period of WP
John from Prague,
I edit the post from p2.
1.) Custom permalinks for custom post types – the ability to set a different permalink structure for each different custom post type. For example, user submitted recipes with the ‘recipe’ custom post type, might use domain.com/post-id/post-name. But for regular posts and pages, just domain.com/post-name.
2.) Far futures image naming. This is a dream item. Probably best as a plugin. This would add a hash of the file upload date and timestamp onto the end of each file name of all sizes for that particular image (e.g. christmas-tree100x100-34j2flj5d.jpg), such that no two image file names are *ever* exactly the same, thus allowing use of far-future browser caching for images like on Facebook, and much faster site loads.
3.) Better testing on installs with properly renamed/moved plugins and wp-content directories. Two issues that seem related to this, a.) the media uploader doesn’t find or display previously uploaded images when wanting to add existing images to a new post and b.) attempting to update plugins from the new update tab (beneath the Dashboard) always fails during the update yet these same plugins update properly when doing this from the main Plugins listing page.+1 for:
Core plugin – BBPress
Better media handling
Cleaning out the cruftI would like to see some UI love extended to the backend widget area. It would be very nice if you could setup multiple columns for the widgets on the right hand side of the page. A large percentage of WordPress themes are now utilizing widget areas, and it is easy to get > 20. This makes it hard to navigate, unless you are fortunate enough to have a 30″ screen.
First, a huge thanks to Jane and all the other team leads and core leaders in WP. Speaking personally, I make a fantastic living developing WordPress projects for clients, so I’m incredibly grateful for all your hard work.
Huge +1 on Media overhaul. Both in terms of UI and in the available hooks/filters for plugin developers. This is a super interesting proposal for the UI – https://www.markdotto.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/wp-uploader-after.png
Huge +1 on meta table for taxonomy/terms.
- login template file
- built in site map
- bbpress plugin for wordpress
Many good ideas are already mentioned, so I can mostly just repeat.
- Remove Hello Dolly and Akismet from core.
- Make the backend more accessible.
- Move Post revisions into a separate table.
- Allow IDN-E-Mail-Adresses
- Export user without posts.
- More flexible meta data for taxonomies.
Oh, and a big THANK YOU to all contributors. What you have done so far is just great! ??
- Complete Content Scheduling Built In
WordPress currently provides ability to schedule posts and pages so that they can be published at a later date. I would suggest built in support for unpublishing posts and pages at a specific time and date in the future. This would enable better control over scheduled content.
There are currently plugins designed for this purpose but their performance is not reliable or consistent. Build in scheduling for unpublishing content would round out WordPress.
Inbuilt SEO – custom titles and meta descriptions.
A uniform way of storing this info would make switching themes and plugins easier.
The SEO Data Transporter makes the technical fix easier, but still doesn’t take care of the fact that people switch themes and simply forget about things like these.
BTW Jane, if I had to pick I think you should have 3.2 be the version that is “All-about-Media”. I know it’s been something you’ve wanted for several years. Why not go ahead and focus all effort on a world-class revamp of the media handling in WordPress for the next version after this one?
- Media gallery revamp including sorting images via folders and much better search ability
–consider gsoc project api stream wrapper – https://jonsview.com/projects/wordpress-project-proposal-file-api-stream-wrapper-support - UI for adding metadata to terms
- better post-to-post relationship handling
I’d love WordPress to really focus on becoming even more developer-friendly than it already is. By this I mean a really big push on the codex docs with up-to-date, best-practice examples as well as ensuring that all of the old WPMU-related bits and bobs have been updated for MS.
On top of that, I’d kiss the person (on the lips, if they so desired) who introduced taxonomy meta. I know there are plugins out there, but, as it stands (and as far as I understand it), taxonomies are the only ‘limited’ content within WP at the moment. Different plugins have implemented different ideas, most use a new db table (which is probably the ‘right’ thing to do) but, as such, may cause problems if the core team decide to implement this in the future (please, please do).
There’s a million and one ‘new features’ that every Tom, Dick and Harry will want, but I honestly believe WP should take a breath, consolidate, ensure everything is ‘up-to-date’. mrmist’s idea of a PHP4 code cleanup is a good example of what I mean. Set yourselves up for adding a plethora of new nicknacks by getting everything you currently have both easy-to-use and up-to-date.
Other random things that I will +1 to are:
- Remove inline CSS Styles
- Making the admin area easy to skin
- ‘built-in’ SEO – custom titles, meta descriptions and keywords
Whatever you folks do will be brilliant, useful and be done with best intentions so I will genuinely be happy with whatever you do (as long as it’s Taxonomy Meta. *ahem* ?? )
- Better support for images in for clients using xmlrpc, for example getting info about the resized images
- A complete re-work of the wp iphone client.
I’d like to see:
- Better/easier language support
- Easier WPMU/network setup
- Standardization of terms – i.e most options have an Add new except Themes which has an Install themes and a different navigation option.
- Better TinyMCE functionality particular around it stripping out things it doesn’t like, such as empty divs or iframes.
some suggestions. thanks for asking.Admin page
- Make admin UI customizable
- Super admin/admin can send messages to editors/moderators/user. they will see when they login in.
- A common page is shared to communicate each other
- Sort post/pages by title, author, categories, tags by one click
Ajax search in admin page - Inbuilt SEO – custom titles and meta descriptions, Google, Bing etc analytics support.
Posts & Pages
- Different menus for different pages.
- Automatic Menu functions with parent child relations, customizable if needed
Diff widget for different pages - 3 or 4 side bar options
- Allow RSS feed to be inserted inside post/page and display the title or excerpt content
- Allow the page also to appear in the rss feed
- Option to disable a post not to appear on rss
- Default site map
- Like the scheduled post, specify a date in a post will be automatically deleted
Mail & Alerts
- Alert the users for each post on the site if they want
- Send a mail to the selected moderator when some one post comment (now only admin receives)
- One click, send mail to all the users
- Built in newsletter program
- Better image gallery
- Better video/audio podcast handling
- Built in mobile support
- embed custom fonts (useful for language sites)
Core updates
- Remove Hello Dolly and Akismet from core.
- BBpress inside WordPress, enable on request like that of network sites.
- Like multi sites, need multi domain management in one wp installation
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