• Resolved tweed


    OBJECTIVE: manually edit “page-bgtitle.html” to remove page title and cover block as i want to have different cover blocks under the transparent header.
    WP 6.1.1
    Gutenberg: also tried latest plugin version ON and OFF
    ALL plugins except Woocommerce turned off for tests
    ALL permissions correct folder 755 files 644 (yes, generally correct enough)
    CHOWN all files owned by www-data

    NOTE: (though not my main puzzlement): if one removes the invisible post block in an own created page template it will collapse and not work. something like that.

    Not possible or sensible to try to detail all my observations on editing Page Templates. Whether i create new page or edit “page-bgtitle.html” there’s problems.

    I HAVE managed to removed the title from the following “page-bgtitle.html” code.
    IS IT POSSIBLE to removed the cover block (purple bit)?
    AGAIN: I think need to leave the ‘invisible’ post title block or there’s big problems.

    YES, i want to edit the official BLOCKPRESS “page-bgtitle.html”

    Asking MotionBlocks to comment if possible.

    Or maybe in future update we can have a Page with Transparent Header Page template WITHOUT page title and cover block. Post-content block needs to stay i think!

    <!-- wp:template-part {"slug":"headertransparent","theme":"blockpress","className":"fr-position-absolute"} /-->
        <!-- wp:cover {"gradient":"diagonal-primary-to-secondary","isDark":false,"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"160px","bottom":"120px"}}},"minHeight":350} -->
            <div class="wp-block-cover is-light" style="padding-top:160px;padding-bottom:120px;min-height:350px"><span aria-hidden="true" class="has-background-dim-100 wp-block-cover__gradient-background has-diagonal-primary-to-secondary-gradient-background has-background-dim has-background-gradient has-diagonal-primary-to-secondary-gradient-background"></span>
                <div class="wp-block-cover__inner-container">
                    <!-- wp:group {"align":"full","style":{"spacing":{"blockGap":"20px"}},"textColor":"white","className":"is-style-default","layout":{"inherit":true}} -->
                        <div class="wp-block-group alignfull is-style-default has-white-color has-text-color">
                            <!-- wp:post-title {"textAlign":"center","level":1,"align":"wide","fontSize":"max-huge"} /-->
                    <!-- /wp:group -->
        <!-- /wp:cover -->
        <!-- wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"40px","bottom":"80px"}}},"layout":{"inherit":true}} -->
        <div class="wp-block-group" style="padding-top:40px;padding-bottom:80px"><!-- wp:post-content /--></div>
        <!-- /wp:group -->
    <!-- wp:template-part {"slug":"footer","tagName":"footer","className":"site-footer is-style-no-margin"} /-->
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
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  • Thread Starter tweed


    I think i need to leave the ‘invisible’ post-content block or there’s big problems.

    I DO want to edit the official BLOCKPRESS “page-bgtitle.html” manually.
    I have made dozens of attempts and editing the template in editor or creating new template etc. is always a problem. Studying Gutenberg on GITHUB, i think this is editor quirk quite likely.

    So for now I would be very grateful to know IF there are parts of “page-bgtitle.html” I can manually delete so that on EVERY new page i can change it’s template to “page-bgtitle.html” (edited to NOT show the page-title and the cover block though leaving the invisible page-content block)

    THEN: i can have create new pages, change page templates to manually modified page-bgtitle.html and add ALL my own different on every page blocks, starting with big cover image under transparent header!!–))

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    Thread Starter tweed


    UPDATE: I’m about to experiment with import/export JSON templates/parts. Additionally: interesting to see how “Reusable” block/blocks can be used when “Convert to Regular Block” is used, after import etc. Maybe it’s going to work to create PAGES without issues.

    STILL, i am betting that currently it would be most helpful to have BLOCKPRESS page “Page Template with Transparent Header” template WITHOUT page-title and purple cover block that are currently coded into “page-bgtitle.html”.

    Hopeful to know.
    whatever happens is fine though.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    Thread Starter tweed


    QUICK UPDATE: got it working pretty much.
    there’s still a bit of whitespace at the top of transparent header – similar currently to blockpresswp.com on some pages. THAT’S FINE with me for now – hehehe! It’s been bonkers – like 10 hours or more a day learning trying stuff.

    WHAT I DID basically:

    I think the frontpage itself, the transparent header mods are a unique case – as shown on blockpresswp.com

    to get the transp-header on other PAGES need additional considerations … i think?! it seems!

    went to both templates and parts and reverted everything – remove customizations.

    NOTE: if you’re using the latest gutenberg plugin be aware you go down to the bottom of both templates and parts to find MANAGE ALL link.

    I think the upshot is that I’ll need to create a Page template for very page i want a different look on (different cover image under transparent header)

    As the FrontPage tutorial is one thing… i think it’s A template (with transparent header) itself that needs the mods found on blockpresswp.com
    so follow carefullly what get the sticky toggle done to it and what get’s the fp-position-absolute

    NOW that i’ve successfully removed all other than header, footer , Group/post-content, (i think this is needed though maybe not now that I’ve had some success after full customizations reset) I’ve been able to add a cover block that gets the look, and the transp header works etc.

    like i said, i guess i’ll need a NEW/separate transp-header page for every page i want a different “Whatever” block to go underneath the transp-header up top.


    THEN in your page whaver other blocks go on the page so you won’t see the header – footer – “whatever block goes under header up top”
    you’ll just see you other content. sheesh hard to explain as i rush.

    sorry for the rush here – crazed for time!
    post a reply if clarification needed!

    REGARDING the whitespace up top of cover image or whatever.
    Set no margin over on the right, for group, row under transp-header IN THE EDITING of the page template with trans-header
    this and maybe playing with margin, or even just touching the slider and putting it back help, though for sure consider the BUTTONS top right for NO MARGIN

    ALSO: i just tried deleting the GROUP/post-content and it doesn’t mess up, stop working – so that’s good, not needed, the white space up top came back after i added a block however, though that’s likely fixable again.

    BONKERS rush here unavoidable.
    reply if clarification needed! woohoo!!!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    Thread Starter tweed


    UPDATE: it appears that ALL content goes in the template. So after creating newly named template – (choose custom at bottom of list when creating new)

    THEN, after doing transparent mods add the rest of your content RIGHT IN THE TEMPLATE and make your new PAGE USE this newly created/named template. Use a specific name so no conflicts.

    AS AN ASIDE: managed to get rid of the whitespace up top, by simply moving the padding slider or margin for some reason, on block underneath the HEADER block. worked then i did something and it stopped working.

    REMEMBER the NO MARGINS BUTTON choice too.


    well i still have some basics to learn.
    YES, if i put ALL content/blocks IN the newly created/name PAGE (custom) template it all shows via the menu link for the page.

    YET… when i go to pages, and hit EDIT, all my old blocks/content are there.

    Pretty close to figuring out though!!!! hahahahahahaha

    SOMEWHAT BACK TO SQUARE ONE – much wiser though
    It seems like even though a page is set to use the new template NONE of the content on the page show up between the header and footer
    EXCEPT for content put DIRECTLY INTO the template itself. YET going to edit from PAGES link, all the original content is there and it’s set to use the new template page.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    Thread Starter tweed



    all ok
    sorry i don’t have time to detail yet.

    Interesting was that changes made to templates and template part, and new, are saved IN the database. One can also create new .html of course.
    Database changes OVERRIDE .html.

    ONE POINT : yes, the post-content block is needed in a Template WHEN the blocks on the page that uses the template have block you want to see/visible.

    The wording is clear though not entirely intuitive. To me. heh-heh.
    “THE POST-CONTENT block will display any content on the PAGE or post that uses the template”

    ALSO this is fascinating NOTE: CUSTOM CONTENT template creation most flexible AND… (only?) THEY show in page/post edit page as newly available templates (for the page or post) over on the right.

    I think we can only use the one’s with the theme once – or as they are, or are edited)

    A MUST SEE READ (for me) the post down the page that starts with:
    “At the moment WordPress can only “Add New” a limited type of core templates, such as : Index, Front Page, Page, Archive, etc.”


    NOTE: there may have been enhancements since written though.



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by tweed.
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