what username and password to use?
I’m in the process of installing and configuring my blog that will be one feature of my established website. I have downloaded the WordPress software, but I’m not sure what username and password I should cite for my WP account. Should these be the same as the ones that I have for my website or should they be different ones? I don’t want to have to go through several check points in order to access my administration data for WP when I’m working on various pages for my site. I would like to keep this process as simple as possible without jeopardizing my control of these files. I haven’t seen this exact matter addressed in any of the guides that I have read on installing WP or the FAQ on this forum. Any suggestions that anyone can give me regarding this issue will be appreciated. Thanks.
Hi everyone,
I’m back and still trying to install my WP blog. I finally uploaded all of the WP files into a subdirectory, blog, in the root directory for my site. I then selected the install.php file from the wp-admin folder and requested the program to open it, but it didn’t get opened. I even when to the run operation on my start menu and made the same request from there, but it hasn’t been run or installed. I’m not particularly interested in going through all of these procedures again. What should I do now to get this program installed into my site? I don’t get any error message or instructions from WP. This installation is really a difficult process! Any help would be appreciated.Hi,
Apparently after I entered some information into a WordPress form that was displayed, the database blog was installed. I just cited my initial username as “admin” and the initial name for my blog, so my blog was installed with these citations. I didn’t realize that these would be the final citations for my blog. I don’t want to be cited as “admin” on my blog, but apparently this can’t be changed at this point. I tried to reply to the confirmation message that I got from WP indicating that my WP blog had been set up, but my message couldn’t be delivered. I’ve been working for about a week to get this blog set up, and now it is still not right. What can I do to correct this citation for my username? How can I contact the WordPress Team? I hate to have to start all over in this process.I didn’t realize that these would be the final citations for my blog. I don’t want to be cited as “admin” on my blog, but apparently this can’t be changed at this point
They’re not, you don’t have to be. and you can.
“Admin” can be changed from directly in the database, although probably not necessary. You can secure that account with a decent password and give yourself a new “admin ” account with any name you desire to work from daily if you wish. The message you receive on install – not in an email- includes a generated default password for initial admin login, if that is an issue. You can then change it in your admin profile after logging in for the first time.Also… You also don’t have to be “cited” as admin on your blog with the default account if you choose to use it. You can go to your admin profile and enter any nickname you wish to identify yourself on your posts.
Hi Clayton,
Apparently from what you say above, I can change my database blog account. But I don’t know exactly how to do this!!!Where do I go to make the appropriate changes–the control panel for my website or somewhere else? Should I just install a new database account and delete this mis-identified initial one? If so, where do I go to install another new account? I don’t where to go to get to my admin profile with WP. How do I get to it? I don’t just want to use a “nickname” on this account. I don’t want this database account set up with “admin” as the user name. Please give me some precise instructions for correcting this. I trust that I won’t have go though all of the steps again to install a WP database on my site. I just want to get one correctly identified. I appreciate your help with this. Thanks.
I trust that I won’t have go though all of the steps again to install a WP database on my site.
I can not tell you what you will or will not have to re-do, because I am not factually aware of what you have or have not done. I can tell you where the name “admin” is stored in your database. If you do not know how to tackle this, I suggest you take some time and build some confidence before you do. But, if you are just getting things going, perhaps now is the perfect time to try your hand at it.
Installing wordpress takes just about 5 minutes. Start to finish. Reinstalling (including deleting and re-populating a database) takes about 10. The install directions are pretty straight forward. If you really feel compelled to change the default name “admin”, use your database administration tools in your hosts control panel to enter your database.
1. Navigate to your WordPress database and select the wp_users table and then click the browse icon.
2. Locate the username ‘admin’ and click the edit icon.
3. Under the user_login column, change ‘admin’ to any other preferred WordPress administrative login name of your choice and then click go.”I believe the above steps might assume that you use phpMyAdmin. Do this at your own risk. reference: https://www.aboutonlinetips.com/changing-default-wordpress-user-name/
Or you might try doing it with a plugin from the plugin repository, although I have never tried the plugin method.
Hi Clayton,
I have one WP database blog installed in a subdirectory of the root for my website. Its name is bobs75_blog. The user name for the database account is bobs75_admin. It is this “admin” name that I want to change.I went to the control panel for my website, and this database is listed with the MySQL account. I don’t see any citation for “wp_users table” anywhere in these settings for the account. I can delete this account or add another user or I think that I might be able to add another account from this panel, but I’m not sure about that. Are the WP files all set up so that I could just add a new account with a new user name and password and delete this other account? You say it takes “about 5 minutes” to install wordpress. It has taken me about a week, and one of the biggest difficulties is just trying to figure out the different usernames and passwords need to be cited for different steps in the process. That is why I don’t want to have to go through all that process again.
Since I can’t find the wp_users table on my control panel, I can’t follow the other steps of your instructions. I’m not sure that the steps that you cite are related to the options that I have on my control panel. So I’m still not sure what to do. I’m sorry to trouble you with my confusion, but I appreciate your help.
I did find the wp_users table, and I was able to make changes to the user_login, the user_nicename, and the user display_name, but I encounter an error in the SQL syntax, so the revised settings weren’t accepted. I couldn’t figure out what the error was, so I just deleted the database and the blog files that I had loaded into the subdirectory of my site. I guess that I’ll start over and try to get this database set up with my appropriate names. If I can’t do that very easily, I will probably just forget about using a blog. I don’t want to spend another week going through this process again. Thanks for your help.Hello,
I have configured a new database in my control panel, put the new settings into the wp_config.php file, uploaded all of the wordpress files to the subdirectory of the root for my site, and tried to install the database. When I try to run the install.php file from the wp_admin folder nothing happens. The control box keeps reappearing, but the database is not installed. I have tried to do this from the blog folder on my site as well as from the start menu. What do I have to do to complete this process? Any specific help would be appreciated. ThanksAny specific help would be appreciated
New To WordPress – Where to Start
There is only one user name during setup. It is “admin”. That is the default. Don’t confuse yourself. Don’t attempt to change it during installation, and don’t worry about it during installation.
Again, during the install process you get one user name. “admin”. WordPress also gives you a random password during the install process. Write it down. Log in with it the first time.
first login,
name: admin
password: the randomly generated password you wrote down during install.Now is when you can start changing things – after you login with the default user name “admin”, and the password that is generated during the installation. I think you may be trying to put cart way before horse.
Assuming your host meets all the minimum requirements, this is easy. You’ll get it. Then you’ll wonder how you ever could have missed it the first time!
As an afterthought Bob31, if the user name and database name in the wp-config.php file is what is confusing you, those names have absolutely nothing to do with your blog administration or login. Those are strictly information fields that allow wordpress to interact with your database. Do not confuse this with any actual names that will be used on your blog, or in your blogs administration.
I assume that I need to make some changes in the basic settings for my database before it can be installed. Right now the install.php file is not being opened or run, probably because I don’t have the right username in the database.Where do I go to make the effective change: in the control panel of my site or in the wp-config.php file or does it have to be made in both places?
Once I get this change made, I hope that I will just have to download the revised version of my wp-config.php file to the subdirectory of my site. Is that right? Then the install.php file should install the database. Right? And when exactly can I replace the default user name, “admin”, with something else? If I login with that user name, it seems to be installed permanently on the database account. That is what I discovered before. I could change the password, but was only allowed to cite a “nickname” for the user. This is the point of my confusion.
I really appreciate your help with this. The instructions in the Codex guide are not as understandable as they might be. Anyway, I’m still trying to get the database installed. Thanks.
I changed the user name to “admin” in the MySQL controls on the control panel for my site and in the wp-config.php file of the blog database. I then uploaded this revised file to the subdirectory, blog, on my host’s server. I then tried to open or run the install.php script from the wp-admin file, but it won’t open or install the database. I only get a repeated display of the File Download control with this message: “Do you want to open or save this file?” The “open” control doesn’t do anything except repeat the Download control. The “save” control saves the install.php file to my Desktop, but it still can’t get installed from there. What do I have to do to get this database installed? This is far from being a simple process!!I changed the user name to “admin” in the MySQL controls on the control panel for my site and in the wp-config.php file of the blog database. I then uploaded this revised file to the subdirectory
Nowhere, in any of the documentation I provided links to, my suggestions, or the instructions, does it tell you to do that for installation. I believe you are still trying to go your own way rather than follow the installation instructions, or any guidance.
Please carefully re-read what I have said, then re-read the installation instructions, and take it one step at a time.
The only name and password that goes in the wp-config file is the database user name and the database users password provided to you by your hosting service, that allows you to access your database. I can assure you, it most probably should not be “admin”. It has no relevance to your wordpress user name or login.
Follow the directions listed here exactly. Use the page as a reference. Do what it suggests, one step at a time. This really is a five minute process.
Start with a fresh database. Empty the existing tables in your database. Start with a fresh wp-config.php. Fill in the information based on the instructions. The user name and password is not what you want it to be, but what your host has told you it is. This is for access to your database. Not the user name and password you want to use for wordpress. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
Delete the files you uploaded to your blog. Upload a fresh wordpress package to your web space. open your browser, go to your site.
If the data you provided in wp-config is correct (based on the information assigned to you by your hosting service) and your server meets the minimum requirements, wordpress will now install.
It’s like putting together a model airplane. Follow the directions, one step at a time and it looks good. Throw them away and do it yourself, and you probably wind up with something less than the picture on the box. Short of that, perhaps your hosting service has a method by which they can do the installation for you. Many do.
For over a week now I have been trying to install a WP database blog into my website. I have done my best to follow the instructions in the WordPress Codex instructions for this process. Yesterday I removed my database and the WP files from the blog subdirectory on my site. Today I have been trying to correctly set up the necessary database for my blog. Now you are instructing me to remove all of these files and settings and to start all over and “it really is a five minute process”. My friend, it takes longer than that just to load all of the wordpress files back onto the subdirectory of my site.How do I start with a fresh database? How do I empty the existing tables in my database? I’ve got Codex instructions for “Installing WordPress” and Codex instructions for “Editing wp-config.php”, and instructions for “Uploading WordPress to a remote host”. These instructions are very confusing. I initially tried to follow them, and when I got to the point of opening the install.php file to run the script, I encountered the same problem as I mentioned above. It didn’t do anything except to repeat the display of the “File Download”. After several attempts to get something to happen, the control changed and I got another WordPress form. I don’t know what activated it. I filled it out with the supplied citations, and apparently the database was quickly installed, but it had the “admin” user name, which I couldn’t change. I don’t know how to avoid these problems. You indicate that the “user name and password” that I initially cited are just “for access to your database” and they are not the same “user name and password” that I may want to use for my blog, but I can’t seem to avoid some problems in this process. Please give me some clear brief instructions as answers to my above two questions. I’m still willing to try to install a WP database, but it obviously takes more than five minutes. Thanks again for your efforts to help.
This, my friend, is a clear as it is going to get without someone doing it for you. I am truly sorry that I can not make it clearer.
You may find something that makes it click for you listed here:
step by step “how to” install wordpress
My very best wishes to you.
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