• Resolved gailwingate1


    Hi, I’m finding this very difficult to wrap my around but what was once working is no longer working. Data that was once being displayed according to the value of a custom field is no longer working. So, for example, the public is seeing data that has been tagged for subscribers only.

    The code is as follows:
    ‘ [is logout] [loop type=”post” taxonomy=”category” term=”front-page-news” relation=”and” taxonomy_2=”roles” term_2=”general-public” count=5][field title-link], [field date][br][/loop][/is]

    [is role=”subscriber”][loop type=”post” taxonomy=”category” term=”front-page-news” relation=”and” taxonomy_2=”roles” term_2=”general-public,subscriber” count=5][field title-link], [field date][br][/loop][/is]

    [is role=”contributor”][loop type=”post” taxonomy=”category” term=”front-page-news” relation=”and” taxonomy_2=”roles” term_2=”general-public,subscriber,steering-committee” count=5][field title-link], [field date][br][/loop][/is]

    [is role=”editor,author,administrator”][loop type=”post” taxonomy=”category” term=”front-page-news” relation=”and” taxonomy_2=”roles” term_2=”general-public,subscriber,steering-committee,mders-staff” count=5][field title-link], [field date][br][/loop][/is] `

    We’ve made a post that has the category ‘front-page-news’ and is assigned to ‘mders-staff’ only. So, this post should not be displayed when users are logged out, but it is.

    Nothing in our system has changed in months, no upgrades, nothing. WAS working. Although, yesterday I updated your plugin just to see if it made a difference and it doesn’t.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you!


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  • Thread Starter gailwingate1


    Also, I used WCK Custom Fields to create the roles taxonomy.

    Plugin Author Eliot Akira


    Are both of these conditions displaying for the logged-out user?

    [is logout]...[/is]
    [is role="editor,author,administrator"]...[/is]

    ..which means the 2nd line is not working right? The role parameter hasn’t changed for a long time, so that is strange.

    Could you tell me the result of the following with a logged-out user?

    [is login] Logged in [/is]
    [is logout] Logged out [/is]
    [is login and role="editor,author,administrator"]
      Logged in with higher privilege

    We’ve made a post that has the category ‘front-page-news’ and is assigned to ‘mders-staff’ only. So, this post should not be displayed when users are logged out, but it is.

    OK, so the following should not include this new post with mders-staff term.

    [loop type="post" taxonomy="category" term="front-page-news" relation="and" taxonomy_2="roles" term_2="general-public" count=5][field title-link], [field date][br][/loop]

    Is this part behaving as expected?

    Thread Starter gailwingate1


    Hi, I’m sorry it took me so long to respond to you, but I was having issues with our development environment. Until I had it fixed, I was not able to test your code again.

    I think I got it working. I think the code was updated in on place, but not in another place that it needed to be. It seems to be working now.

    Thank you!!

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