• I’m one of the people wanting to use (abuse?) WordPress as a CMS.

    At the moment WP is enough for my purposes but in the future it won’t.

    I have been checking out other CMS but I wasn’t happy with what I found:

    – TYPO3 is definitely to heavy weight for me

    – Joomla 1 produces layout tables and is therefore out of question

    – Joomla 1.5 RC looks pretty much like what I’m looking for but has a major router problem (no permalinks!) that makes it pretty much unusable

    I’ve got a really tight schedule so I can’t just wait for the ideal solution, I have to get the new pages – on whatever CMS/blog software – up and running in the next weeks.

    Again, at the moment WP would be enough and I really love it, the documentation is the best I’ve ever seen and the community is simply amazing.

    But switching to WP would only make sense if there are some hints this could become a long term relationship.

    So my question is if there’s a list of features planned for version 3. Is it going more into the CMS direction?

    Thanks for your help.

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  • @suavito: I’m with you on the WP-as-CMS abuse.

    I maintain a custom CMS for a large university, and I’d definitely like to see some stuff ported to WP.

    I use WP to run my site, including a page-based labs section, and I can see it’s not going to scale too well to loads of content.

    Same opinion on other CMS, but I haven’t checked out Drupal, for which I hear good things.

    In other words, count me in the ones wanting to hear more about WP 3 as a CMS. ??

    Oh, and I’m not against contributing where I can either.

    if there’s a list of features planned for version 3. Is it going more into the CMS direction?

    my same question

    I wouldnl’t plan on wordpress being CMS qualified anytime soon, you can create a temporary solution with enough hacks and plugins to make it do most CMS like things, it will be messy but doable, the trick is to stop looking at WP as a blogging system and begin looking at it as a CMS solution, the more I did this the more I began to hack away, I think WP by default has made it very clear they don’t want to head in the CMS direction and prefer to remain only a blogging software, but if you really want to stay with WP you can make it do what you want just have to be prepared to hack like a lumberjack ??

    I think WP should be focused on one thing. Become the best blogging software available on the universe. They have done a great job so far, but more can be done. Fortunately wordpress supports plugins so you can add almost unlimited functionalities. Im building a web portal about gaming and stuff and based it all on wordpress. I have integrated SMF with WP and a portolio system. Also im writing a plugin that copies some info in the forum and post in the hompage. Nothing fancy. What im trying to say is that possibilities are unlimited.

    With knowledge and the right tools great things can be accomplished. I been using WP about a year from now. And I had a great experience. I have passed through several blogging systems and I have learned that is not so important the code, or the security or the features. Is the people who work around the project, the community.

    Im hoping wp does not lose its focus like other CMS. Keep it simple, keep it working, make people love it. Always remember WP is a blogging software. Worpress system is the foundations, you have to build everything else.

    Then OK peeps, what features would WP require to qualify it as a CMS?

    Maybe there should be project fork such Muli User WordPress, or just a whole brand new project based on the same core code, as what happened with BBPress.

    Thoughts please…

    the answer is that like Drupal, WordPress is not a perfect cms out of the box, you have to use plugins that suit your specific needs as a cms creator.

    The best one I’ve seen so far for managing content is Fresh Page: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/fresh-page/

    It uses meta fields and custom write pages to let you define what info is shown for different kinds of posts on their posting screen and organizes their sorting.

    If you want to organize your pages more simply, then download a page organizer plugin, if you dont’ like how wp lists pages (admittedly it’s very bad, weak sense for sorting lists and displaying siblings etc) then look for a plugin about displaying page listings.

    A project like drupal depends on it’s modules for almost all of the functionality, and in my experience they are no better maintained than wordpress plugins, especially with the plugin repository setting standards for files and stuff.

    In terms of scaling MT is still unbeatable. Static files are definitely it when you have millions of visitors every day.

    WP-SuperCache is touted as the WP answer to MT, but it’s one heckuva beast and hardly a reliable solution. I have had nothing but problems with getting it to work under a mildly sophisticated permalink structure. It just does NOT understand mod_rewrite.

    Btw, please stop plugging drivel like Drupal and Joomla. I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole anymore.



    I’ve been giving CMS Made Simple a try. I quite like a lot of its features, the fact that it uses the Smarty template system and is very customizable. https://www.cmsmadesimple.org

    I design web sites for a living and right now, it’s divided 60/40 WP and CMSMS. One primary reason to use something other than WP (such as Joomla, Drupal or CMSMS) is when clients want premium content served or member logins. I haven’t found a satisfactory solution with WP; CMSMS has a module called FEU (Front End Users).. If WP could do something similar, it would have me for life.

    Oh, and Matt & Co.? If it makes you feel better, CMSMS has a blog module, but as you can see from their main site, they use WP to drive the CMSMS development blog. ??

    Peter Chester


    We also split our efforts between CMSMS and WordPress. We’ve built number of plugins for each. CMSMS has a brilliant internal structure but lacks community. WordPress of course just plain rocks.


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