• ResolvedPlugin Contributor Eran Miller


    • calendar weekday (tue) short name localization fix
    • plugin options page save settings for manage_calendar capability fix
    • automatically adjusts modal top when WordPress admin bar is visible (contributed by Carl W.)
    • event duration display fix
    • minicalendar localization, noweekends fix
    • excised orphaned options
    • improved instructional text on the calendar settings page
    • added hex input field and more instructional text to category management
    • fixed front-end calendar for themes that display multiple pages simultaneously
    • revised javascript enqueuing and rendering, fixes theme/plugin conflicts
    • upcoming widget addition of user input title, undefined timezone fix, and ongoing event fix
    • shortcode respectful of position within post text fix
    • updated uninstall script with new capabilities and roles
    • event detail form description validation fix
    • added russian localization (reddylabeu) – spasiba!
    • added danish localization (kfe1970) – tak!
    • added polish localization (szymon) – dziekuje!

    10 translations and counting…

    • Danish
    • Dutch
    • French
    • German
    • Lithuanian
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish
    • Turkish
    • Note: not all translations have been completed.
    • Don’t see your language, found a typo in a translation or want to help complete a translation? Post it on this forum! Send PO translation files to [email protected]
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
  • just discovered this plugin recently – love how clean it looks.

    noticing an issue since your recent update, everytime i try to add an event, it succeeds but with an invalid date/time.
    for some reason its using my current date/time instead!

    this is preventing me from selecting my own time

    I like it very much because of its clean look. But its not working.
    See the other thread:


    It would be nice, when you could make the option to disable the preload screen. I think, the wordpress user should have the decision to disable it, because it doesn’t look fine in all projects.

    In my projects it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t fit the site concept.
    So I want to disable it.

    Best regards.

    Argghh.. Still missing the calendar on users side. The header is displayed just not the actual calendar.

    Tried deactivating, removing, reinstall and activating with no difference. What’s funny is the data is still there. Where is the data stored? Perhaps the data has the issue (although it seems fine on the admin side)?


    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    @jamesgiang: what time format are you using? have you set the blog timezone? what do you mean by “invalid time”?

    @razzgpe: To remove the “loading” overlay, comment out/delete these lines in jquery.init_show_calendar.js and jquery.init_admin_calendar.js

    loading: function(b){
      if (b) $jq('#aec-loading').modal({ overlayId: 'aec-modal-overlay', close: false });
      else $jq.modal.close();

    @afdez: I’ll look into why the conflict is happening with the theme

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    @afdez: The error is caused by a javascript error in the theme you are using. Unfortunately, because the error is located before the javascript code that runs the Ajax Event Calendar, it causes the calendar to fail.

    $s("#slide_holder").loopedSlider is not a function
    Line 479

    If you want to continue using this calendar, the theme developer will need to fix this bug, or you will need to select a different theme for your site.


    @eran miller: currently using the default formats
    eg, July 22, 2011 for date
    1:12 am for time

    everytime i add an event, it uses my current time instead of my selected time.
    eg, i pick 27th of July, it reverts back to 22nd

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    @jamesgiang I’ve never seen or been notified of this error before, have you set your timezone in WordPress?

    @eran miller: currently set to Melbourne timezone. i wasnt having this error yesterday before your plugin updated

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    @jamesgiang Strange, when I change to the Melbourne timezone and test the event input, I am able to create an event at the selected times. However, the duration message is wrong. I will investigate and get back to you, perhaps these are indirectly related.

    As temporary work-around for entering events, use the week view of the calendar and graphically select the start/end times, let me know if that works for you.


    @eran: oh cool! i didnt realize you could drag and drop the events to different dates – this is solving the issue for now

    however i just installed aec on a completely random dev version of wp i had lying around on the same server, and it was giving me the same issue.

    @eran, how do I delete the data as removing the directory does not do it? I would like to use the previous version (0.9.7) as the theme I use did not have the issues I am encountering now?


    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    Excerpt from the FAQ
    What does this plugin remove when deleted?
    The event and category databases, calendar contributor role, plugin capabilities, plugin options and widget settings are permanently removed.

    @eran, apologies as I did see this but it is not deleting my data. As mentioned I have deactivated and completely deleted the plugin directory, installed a fresh copy and the data is still there…

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


    afdez, are you manually deleting the directory, or having the plugin manager do it? You want to let the plugin manager do it, otherwise the database tables will not be deleted.

    Plugin Contributor Eran Miller


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