• Plugin Contributor Facebook


    The latest version of the Facebook plugin for WordPress introduces a new Mentions Tagging interface, speeds up administrative site access, better supports unattended posts to Facebook such as XML-RPC mobile posts or an editor taking a contributor’s post live, and adds support for Facebook account linking from the WordPress edit profile page.

    Mentions Tagging

    Mention friends and pages in an optional custom message published to your Facebook Timeline with a post. Press the “@” key to begin a search and select a result. Press the “esc” key to end a search attempt. Facebook will special syntax to a profile or page link and send a Facebook notification to your friend.

    Example: “hello @[4]” would render as hello Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook and link to Mark Zuckerberg’s profile. If you are friends with Mark Zuckerberg he would receive a Facebook notification and possibly a new story on his Timeline (if his privacy settings allow)

    Mentions Tagging replaces the previous friend tagging and pages tagging meta boxes. Mentions previously displayed above and/or below your post will no longer appear. Mentions Tagging affects only the custom message sent to your Timeline. Facebook no longer supports the old mentions API as of February 6, 2013.

    Disable publishing to Facebook on a per-post basis

    The custom message composer for an author’s Timeline or Facebook Page now includes a checkbox to disable sending a post to Facebook when it becomes public. Publish flows unable to check this checkbox should be automatically published; these publish actions will not receive the same explicit sharing property as post published with the post meta box present and selected.

    App Access Token Requests

    The plugin verifies your Facebook application identifier and secret with Facebook’s servers when saved through the settings page by exchanging these two pieces of information for a Facebook application access token. Future requests from your server to Facebook’s servers not requiring an active Facebook user session are sent using your Facebook application’s access token. Facebook servers verify your requests against permissions granted to your application by your users and process the new request on behalf of your application.

    Authors may take a post public without an active Facebook browser session including posts from mobile clients.

    Associate your WordPress account with your Facebook account from the edit profile screen

    A WordPress user with the edit_posts capability can now associate his or her WordPress account with a Facebook account and grant your application publish permissions from his or her edit profile page. An author may associate a Facebook account while opting-out of publishing posts to his or her timeline through a publish permissions checkbox.

    Developer notes

    Plugins and themes relying on a previous variable state of the Facebook plugin for WordPress may not function as expected.

    The switch to an app access token reduces reliance on an active Facebook user token, removing the need to extend the token until it is needed. If you previously relied on the Facebook plugin to extend your users’ Facebook tokens you should directly extend these tokens in your code.

    If your code referenced a stored copy of the initialized Facebook PHP SDK, most likely the $facebook global, you might not find a declared global. The plugin now initializes the Facebook PHP SDK as needed and uses the global for the duration of the request.


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  • Where do you put the tag for mentions? Is there supposed to be a mentions box like the Facebook Status box? I upgraded to 1.2, I do see the changes to the Status box with the checkbox. Still unsure how to tag facebook users.

    cmatt – You put the tag for mentions in the “Facebook Status on Your Timeline (Summarize the post for your Facebook audience)” box… that’s the only box there is now.

    hmm..ok well that’s not working for me.
    I tried posting, and how it appears on facebook as I typed.
    I tried the user’s name, id, and their fb#. Either shows the name of the user with no link, @[userid], or @[1234455 etc]

    I love this plugin, But I have idea about Comments and Social Publisher,

    I want to control where to put the facebook comments box, if I want to put it under the post or before the post… something like that

    and about Social Publisher you have to make option if I don’t want to write in the “Summarize the post for Facebook audience” and when I click Publish the post will be automatic be in my facebook fan page and option if I don’t want to publish this post to facebook and potion for “Summarize the post for Facebook audience”

    sorry for my English but I really want that idea happen

    This is what’s new for me in this update,

    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Can only modify connections owned by this application”,”type”:”Exception”}

    I tried again and this is the response I got. Please clarify – Facebook requires the login credentials for my WordPress site for me to to use this plugin?


    “Thanks for your submission! I reviewed your Action Type, but it did not meet our criteria. The following is a list of changes that need to be made in order for this Action Type to become available to users: Please provide a username/password for me to properly test the ‘publish’ action. 1. I am unable to test this action according to the usage instructions provided. Please include all necessary passwords, test user credentials and links to staging servers that we need to test your action. Please do not resubmit your Action Type for approval until you can consistently publish Actions with all Additional Properties with your Open Graph Test User. Thank you for developing with Facebook, Susan”

    i added the appid , secret id on page=facebook-application-settings
    and saved it. but nothing happens,

    I’m guessing the mention tagging will only work once we get approved for the user messages, tags and explicit sharing options? All I seem to be doing is re-submitting my request and getting denied…mildly frustrating.

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