What’s the policy on rudeness on here?
I came to this forum looking for help, and cause I was paniced, I MAY have missed off a couple of pieces of information. Still, my one and only question to date is about 404 errors showing in my logs. They look like a hacking attempt, but knowing how people think, had I said that I may have been laughed at.
I don’t like being spoken to like an imbicelle, but I do feel posting ‘what the heck is this’ or ‘upload it in a text file, don’t post it on the forums’ as parts of SUPPORT posts are not supportive. I thought, posting the snippets of the urls that are showing up, people MIGHT just recognise it and go ‘oh its this’ thus saving everyone’s time and not asking people to wade
I’m new here – and I’m already really regretting coming on over.So, what’s the policy on rudeness?
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