• uriash


    I’m building (trying to) a new three columns theme and right now it sits well in IE but in FF the footer’s background replaced the middle “faux columns” background which disapeared.
    anyone has a clue for whats wrong?
    thanks in advance,

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  • marcy


    I am using Firefox. The positioning of everything seems correct — I see a header on top (but it’s blank), a paint-on-concrete-ish background image with the three columns and footer on it.

    Looking at the source, I notice that the footer div is inside the page div. Not sure if that would cause your problem or not.

    Is your “faux columns” background assigned to page or to wrapper?

    Thread Starter uriash


    Hi marcy,
    thank you so much for helping me!
    the header is aswf file. maybe you have that disabled in your browser? (I hope so.. :))
    the image that I see in FF is the background that sould be behind the footer and not the middle of the columns. does the concrete-ish paint that you see ends before the columns ends? it sould look like it is in IE, where (at least in my place) looks well..
    thanks again,



    Maybe I do have shockwave disabled — couldn’t find anything about it. I don’t have any extensions or plugins with FF so maybe that’s all I would need.

    I do see that header in IE — and I guess that’s what causes the soundfile, too? Personally, I hate sites that automatically load soundfiles — can you add controls that allow a user to turn off the sound?

    The difference I see between FF and IE is that in FF the ends of the paint splashes start at the top of the middle section with the three columns. In IE, paint stripes start there, and end with those splashes at the bottom.

    I honestly don’t know enough about the browser differences to understand why this is happening. Still, I wonder if it has anything to do with whether that striped background is assigned to the page class or the wrapper class, or if it matters that your footer div is inside the page div.

    EDIT — very odd, but after opening the page in IE, suddenly the header also appears in FF. And I see you do have a sound off control — for some reason the complete header didn’t load in IE and didn’t show that control. My apologies.



    I’m viewing it in FF and see the speakers bouncing..just took a while to load. =) But, the text is kinda hard to read on the “splashy” background and rocky looking background. Besides that, maybe make it so it’s liquid a bit or something. I gotta scroll a bit in my 800×600.

    That’s only cause of my eyes I don’t get any higher then that res.. =(


    Thread Starter uriash


    hi spencerp,
    I haven’t got to the typo yet.. I’m still dealing with the structure. I don’t know yet what is wrong in FF.
    marcy, I tried closing the page div before the footer but it doesnt work. the tile background is assigned to the wrapper, cause if I assign it to the page it will start from the top (behind the header) and then there wont be a smooth continuity between the paint on the swf and paint on the tiles, if you know what I mean.
    still lost,




    Can you post the CSS bits for the wrapper and for the footer?

    I wonder if it’s an issue with the way you’re tiling?

    Thread Starter uriash


    no problemos:

    * {padding: 0;
    margin: 0; }
    hr { display: none; }
    Body {font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif; font-size: 76%;
    background: url(images/bg.gif);}
    #wrapper {width: 950px; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;background: url(images/middle.gif);}
    #menu {width: 225px; float: left;}
    #content {width: 500px; float: left;}
    #sidebar {width: 225px; float: left;}
    #footer {margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: center;
    width: 950px;
    height: 222px;
    color: #804A0F;
    padding-top: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    background: url(images/footer.gif);}




    There’s no space between a ; and “background” in the wrapper part. Not sure if it matters.

    Also, I have no idea if it makes a difference or not, but your image urls are not enclosed in single quotes like they are in my css.

    Otherwise, I have to give up — I don’t know enough to help any further.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter uriash


    Hi marcy,
    thanks again.
    I still don’t have any clue..
    my image urls aren’t enclosed in single quotes but it’s true for all of them, still the rest are working properly. I added a space where you adviced but it also doesn’t help.
    thank you for trying to help me anyway..
    if anyone else has an idea, I’d be pleased to hear about that.

    Thread Starter uriash


    still clueless with this FF bug. I searched in firefox support forums but all I’ve found is a very partial solution – I gave the whole html an atribute like that :
    html {height: 100%;}
    and now ff at least displays the columns background but only to the height of the viewport. if the columns are longer, the background image wont tile and instead the footer background image will catch it’s place.



    Hi uri,

    I may be a bit off here but I tried your site on both FF and IE and they are exactly the same, same colour combination; same sound off etc. Was wondering if you did manage to solve the problem after all ??

    Thread Starter uriash


    Hi veena,
    No I didn’t.. meanwhile I’ve just limited the content in the sidebars and the main content area in order for the middle background to be enough , if I try now to add more content to each of the columns there wont be any tiling of the middle background (in FF. in IE it works well) and the footer will start at the same point where it starts now, and thus the added content will be displayed above the footer.

    I had a look. First, you should validate the code of the page.

    Second, I dunno why you have three things all floated left. ?? I have done three columns efectively like this:

    #content {

    #leftmenu {

    #menu {
    float: right;
    width: 180px;

    and now that I see what you did for the footer, I think it needs a clear:both in it in order to not stick where it shouldn’t.

    I really like the sidebar graphics.

    Thread Starter uriash


    hi andrea,
    can you tell me where exactly should I insert clear:both?
    thanks, uri

    Thread Starter uriash


    o.k., thanks to andrea advice I succeeded to stick the footer in its place, but I’m left with the problem of the middle background not tilling in FireFox.

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