• When do you feel that all your work and effort you’ve put into the site you are creating is good?
    When do you feel satisfied about all that?
    I still feel so unsatisfied.. I don’t know how to blog properly.. I barely get visitors ??

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  • traditionally, blogs were supposed to be written for personal satisfaction. not for visitors. that is what i believe.

    Well, I blog for myself, and I blog anonymously. But I agree with you Kevin, you do feel some bit of satisfaction when others take interest.

    Perhaps you can read other related blogs and leave comments. Then maybe you can piggy back on another blogs’ traffic. ??

    Good luck.

    Thread Starter Georg Kevin Paquet


    BUMP for this topic.

    Plus, thanks for the 2 of you who have responded to the topic.

    dude, what do you want? Some philosophical debate? If you arent motivated to write. Dont.

    My mom passed away 6 months ago, and its a struggle everyday to find something that interests me. If I dont, or I find something, but dont feel compelled to write about it, I dont.

    It, ideally, though, shouldn’t matter how many visitors you get, and thats where a good deal of ppl get hung up, unfortunately. Generally speaking, one person could come across a post somewhere, and that one person could have their life impacted by reading.

    In other words, dont, for Gods sake, write with the expectation, or the goal of having thousands of visitors. Write about what impacts you, with the goal of impacting that ONE person that might come across your post, and go “wow” or “hmm”.

    Traffic is over-rated.

    Traffic is over-rated.

    Amen sistah! So is page ranking and keywords and all that other stuff that has taken the fun out of blogging and online life. Who cares. Blog about what you know and are passionate about; it will show in your writing; you cannot fake that. There are a couple of good ways to get people to visit your site, tho, and one big one is to visit blogs that you like and that are similar to yours. Leave comments there. (Relevant to the topic; don’t just comment to be commenting; people see that coming a mile away.) Become part of a small community of bloggers. They’ll see your site, visit it and possibly add it to their own blogrolls.

    I’m in the same boat as whooami (sort of…) my dad died last June and all I manage to blog about these days is whiskey. Really weak reviews of whiskey at that.

    Just do what you do for you.

    my dad died last June

    I am so very sorry. My dad passed away in 2001, so when I say I understand, and that I am sorry, please know that I do, and I am.

    I still cannot help but feel that many of the people that apologize, dont really understand. I know the reasons for the “im sorry”s (akwardness about death, etc..) but I am always compelled to ask if they have lost a parent.

    I was going to say something earlier. I lost my mother when I was 22 (many years ago). To this day, I consider it to be one of the worst times of my life. I felt so lost without her. But .. somehow, I survived. And if I can survive that, I figure I can survive anything. Hugs to all who have lost either or both of theirs.

    maybe I am satisfied when its marketing skill is enough to give me enough income.

    maybe I am satisfied when its marketing skill is enough to give me enough income.

    wow – then you will be part of the other 3 bloggers making money

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