• Resolved erikture


    I have tried to get the current language from a hook in the plugin SearchWP Live Ajax Search, the hook is relevanssi_hits_filter. The problem is that the methods, both Polylang API methods as well as WordPress standard methods both return the default language and not the current language.

    Al pages is displayed in the correct language but still the methods returns the default language.




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  • Plugin Author Chouby


    Thread Starter erikture


    There is definitly something strange with the SearchWP Live Ajax plugin.
    I register the action pll_language_defined and when I switch language it is called with the correct language. I do an echo of the $slug paramter. But then when I perform a search it is called again and then the slug is the default language and not the one I have selected using Polylang.

    How can this be solved?


    Thread Starter erikture


    I have found out that it is probably related to the plugin Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration. As that one is not maintained any more I am now trying the qtranslate-x plugin and so far it looks promissing.

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