• Resolved i-pointmedia


    Hello plugin developer,
    I am wondering when the status of an order (SEPA debit, test mode) will be changed by the stripe webhook response. I put the right webhook in the WordPress backend already. I am using the latest plugin and Woocommerce with just the standard theme and the plugin. After buying a recurring subscription product the status is on hold. So far so good but I am a little bit confused because if I look up the order in the Stripe backend, it says payment succeeded. I know that sepa debit payments need some days and I am already confused that it says immediately succeeded but shouldn’t be the webhook correspond then to the plugin that the payment succeeded and change the order status to finished or something else? If not, when and how will the status be changed (via a cronjob who checks the status later and changes it then, which intervall)?
    Thanks for your help.

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  • Plugin Contributor royho


    In test mode, the response is almost right away. It then fires the webhook to your site which you have set up. I would suggest you go to your Stripe dashboard and look up the order in question and scroll down to where it says “Logs” and check the events that has happened and you will see if the webhook was successful or not and if not, what is the error.

    Hi @royho!

    I am having the same issue as @i-pointmedia. I am in test mode and payments on the Stripe Dashboard do change to Succeeded or Failed – however the Webhook never seems to be called, at least the order stays On Hold and there are no new notes in the order notes.

    Credit Cards work just fine. Do you have an idea how that could be caused?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by ezeey.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by ezeey.
    Thread Starter i-pointmedia


    So I am not wrong that I missed something. Yes, in stripe the status changes but it never changes in WooCommerce/the actual order there.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by i-pointmedia.

    Hey @i-pointmedia, I found the solution for us:

    I didn’t know (though it makes sense) that there are different webhook settings for both live and test mode. In live mode our webhook was configured correctly, but in test mode it got disabled at one point because we changed the domain and request failed to often.

    The reason why Credit Card payments went through is, that they respond with the succeeded message right away in the response to the initial payment request. Any later status updates (like in the case of SEPA) go over the webhook which in our case was deactivated.

    Make sure you check your webhook settings in test mode – maybe it’s the same for you!

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