• please excuse if this (irritating) question is being asked again and again. Any rough idea about the release day will be helpful. Is this in weeks or months?
    Actually, I am waiting for the 1.3 release for multiple blog support.
    If the release is going to be delayed, I would have to install WP 1.2 separately for each individual blog(that seems very ugly).

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    1.3 will not have multi-blog capabilities.
    for details on when that will be available.

    I have multiple blogs now. Why do you want to wait?

    Wow, there are some picky creatures out there.
    WP 1.2 just came out, I imagine 1.3 will take a while. Installing a copy of WP is easy and painless, so if you really need multiple blogs just install it a few times. When multi-blog support comes out you shouldn’t have too much difficulty integrating them all into one install.
    I wouldn’t expect 1.3 for a while. But on the bright side, it’s good to know that there are a lot of people fanatical enough about WP that even right after 1.2 is released (and occasionally before), everyone is already asking about 1.3. Must mean it’s a rocking product. ??

    Well, I am using 1.3 right now without any problems. It just went alpha-2 today.

    I wouldn’t install it tons of times for mutil blogs. That takes up needed webspace and tons of time. I suggest paying for a moveabletype one. I like wordpress and all but if I needed more blogs I wouldn’t it wordpress at all.

    “That takes up needed webspace”
    From a satisfied user of WP:
    With MT, my database size was 54.3 meg and I used 180 meg of disk space. With WP, my database is all of 8.2 meg and Ia€?m using only 52.99 meg of disk space. A very nice savings!
    “tons of time”
    That’ll be the time spent r_e_b_u_i_l_d_i_n_g then ? ??

    Nucleus CMS & B2 Evolution both have multiblog support and are both open source. ??

    For what purpose are so many people looking for multi-blogging capability?
    Does it have some kind of advantage?
    I am too stupid to see the reasoning I guess but just wondered why it is such a hot request….

    Sections of a site on a broader topic calls for a multiple blog.

    Well there was nothing silly about the question at all but the answer was pretty poor. What are multiple blogs for? You will have to excuse me I am pretty dim.

    It’s something I’ve never understood either. Right now I’ve got around 6 WP blogs, not including my one at Tamba2.
    Each is separate, and I *like* that.
    If one breaks – because of something I do to it – the others don’t.
    If I delete one, it’s cleanly done with no worries about accidentally breaking another.
    If I want to hide one completely, it’s easily done.
    I don’t have to worry about anything.
    I will certainly be interested to see what impact this ‘capability’ has on the size of the download and on plugin functionality though.

    well, i think if i can start a new weblog from a single installation, it helps me keeping the versioning same on all the blogs. plugins are implemeted on all the blogs in 1 step and things like that. i have a site with 5 blogs and all of them seems to be running different versions (1.1, nightlies, 1.2) and someday i guess they will all crash on my “getting bald fast” head…

    Er, as a soon-to-be-former MT user, I can tell you how *I* use multiple blogs and why it matters, to me at least.
    First, on one of my sites, I have a “regular” blog and a fiction blog that is just for assorted creative writing, and yet a third for testing new features. (I did up a plugin for MT that allowed for custom dating.) You can see what I mean here: https://www.fantasist.net
    On another, I have a blog for myself and my wife.
    I plan to add several more blogs to the one site for an ongoing fiction project.
    So, what’s the one thing that MT has that WP hasn’t got, yet? A single point of management for multiple blogs. It’s nice to be able to sign in once and manage them all. Is it absolutly *neccessary*? No, but it is nice. And, since that’s an upcoming feature of WP, that’s what I’m waiting for to change over. It’s going to be enough of an effort to convert, so I don’t want to worry about upgrading to the multi-blog feature and reconsolidating my blogs.
    I *eagerly* anticipate that feature!

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